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The Angel face you see is the Haserot, named โThe Angel of Death Victorious”. The stoic angel is seated on the marble gravestone of canning entrepreneur Francis Haserot and his family. Holding an extinguished torch upside-down, it represents a symbol of life extinguished. Wings are outstretched and the gaze is straight ahead.
This channel is focused on casually walking and viewing a handful of the thousands of forgotten names and faces at various cemeteries near and afar. Seeing their faces up close. And when able, telling the stories behind their names.
Most graves are unknown and lost to history.
Some are famous.
And some infamous….
….and some with tragic endings.
#graves #cemeteries #death
There is no way that he was able to take the child away as is reported without a hullabaloo , just no way ๐ง
Two wrongs dont make things right.
The legal system used to work.
My heart goes out to the child and her family, may they forever rest in peace, the Animal gets no sympathy from me and that would not change no matter what skin color, for what I see with him in those pictures well Justice was truly done, and I am quite firm in my belief that what was done him is nothing to what God is doing with him Now.
The Find A Grave website page for Myrtle shows that the family also suffered the deaths of 3 of her siblings. Two were in 1888 and one in 1889. Only one of the Vance children lived to adulthood. Those parents really sustained incredible losses.
understandable reaction What matters is the result Eye for an eye
Well you see the thing is you're asking how could anyone do that to anyone you can't understand something ok it was his child he murdered ok just because he alright he used a truncheon on him or or him because he was unruly when he was drunk this was the black man ok and as I said in my previous comment I'm a White Guy by the way from England I know a little bit about history you know better than me because you're American but obviously in those days as I said it was a lot of discrimination against black people and they're probably is now if bought to a lesser degree and the worst thing you know is bad enough killing a child but possibly raping the child as well will there be there will be a lot of people who would say good but you know I suppose today Society would say you know what should have happened is he should have been put on trial but what probably would have happened is he would have went on trial and he probably would have got what electrocuted any electric chair because that's what they were using or hanging so it is wrong in one day sorry in one way that the Mob took over but in another way you can understand as I said this is black individual wasn't obviously the brightest person
Hi there I'm John from England I just want to say this sort of thing absolutely fascinates me what such a sad story alone about and the finger pie is I know a bit about history and about the Southern states am I right to say it's where president Kenny got assassinated but back in those days a black man doing this to a white girl was an absolute you know that gave it excuse for the Mob to go gave the excuse for any white mob to go ready revenge and I'm quite sure a lot of black people died because I'm at
I find it hard to believe a man just walked up on the porch where other adults were and grabbed the sheriff's baby? No one gave chase, screamed for help? Very suspicious story.
I get it now, the sheriff beat the guy because he was black, and like most people. back then, was racist and felt no compunction about beating a black man. Does not justify the murder of Myrtle though. I can't help but think the beating the sheriff gave him was racially motivated and what the crowd did was. That was the tragedy of racism back then.
Il n a eu que ce qu il mรฉritait. Un lรขche qui s en ai pris ร un petit bout de choux qu il a violรฉ et sauvagement assassinรฉ. Malgrรฉ tout sa famille n รฉtait pas responsable, lls ne mรฉritaient pas de mourir a cause de lui. S il est รฉtait encore de mรชme aujourd'hui il n y aurait plus de,viols d actes de tortures et d assassinats d enfants.
Wow, what a story ! A different time back then, they could have just hung him, but we donโt know their thought process back then ..it amazes me the detail they went into these stones, so beautiful! You just donโt see the craftsmanship like that these days ! I would love to visit this cemetery one day , just for that ! Sad story, thank you !
He had a good prelude to hell. ๐
Iโd do unimaginable things if someone hurt my babiesโฆ.
I would have to add as unfortunate as it sounds that the brutality of the execution wasn't as much punishment as it would have been a deterrent in those days sending a message this better never happen again, and don't come here and plan on duplicating such a crime .
Horrible, mais necessaire.
I have mixed feelings. He needed and deserved punishment; however, it should not have been like it was. God said Vengence is Mine. No matter what we should try to lived by that.
C'est quand mรชme un lynchage.
Justice was served
I dont understand how white people see a black man with a white baby girl, drunk and dont do anything to take the child ??? Come on , and if he did do it bc of revenge, he must had been crazy, remembering all the black babies that was used for alligator bate, but nothing happens with out God approval. God bless
An horrific crime to be sure. But painting Justice on the scaffold is an insult to justice. It was outrageous vengeance and unbridled hate. Justice in those days would have required a trial in court, and the punishment prescribed by law.
Sad story on all counts. I don't feel sorry for Henry Smith. I like for you to point out old or unusual grave markers. It's something I enjoy doing myself. That's what they're there for!
I can understand the violence toward him. But the stepson and wife? They should have been accountable for that.