Remote Viewer No. 1: “Nobody Wants to Be Caught Dead Standing Next to a Psychic” | Official Preview

Remote Viewer No. 1: "Nobody Wants to Be Caught Dead Standing Next to a Psychic" | Official Preview
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Our upcoming guest on the Shawn Ryan Show, Joe McMoneagle, might be the most mind-blowing episode to date. Joe takes us through his early childhood, his enlistment in the US Army, entry into Army intelligence, deployment to Vietnam, bizarre near-death experiences, and out-of-body experiences (OBE). He shares insights into controlling his out-of-body experiences and utilizing them for intelligence gathering. Joe’s journey involves being recruited for a classified program now known as Project Stargate, where he held the title of remote viewer no. 1. This episode provides a profound examination of the numerous targets assigned to Joe and his colleagues, reaching a point where many influential figures sought to deny the significance of their work. Joe has had many high profile targets to include RV Mars, Mount Hayes, and the Typhoon Class Submarine TK-17.

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  1. Ong- your story is like my father who also served in the army about the same time in Vietnam. He went out with his buddies and enlisted in the next morning.

  2. Wake up! Many of these psychic are dealing with deamons and occultism. No wonder why Alister Crowley was one of them. These techniques have been using for thousands of years. It is a Satan gift.

    Nowadays, all countries and goverment use them. Even for special operations military. The best ones belongs to satanic orders.

    It is sad how many are deceived. Even catholic organizations like Jesuits have been doing this for centuries. According to Alberto Rivera (exjesuit), Ignacio de Loyola (16th century) was a master of these powers . You could read his comics for free in Internet.

    Please, ask Jesus for forgiveness. Believe in him and read your bible. Start a new life in Christ!

  3. So they weren’t psychics before the project? They were only being used as guinea pigs in an experiment. What if the program used people who had psychic ability before they ever joined the army or were recruited for this program. What if the psychics decided to form their own team without the interference of government agencies? What if this already exists?

  4. There are people in india who are remote viewing from many many years and they call it siddhi which means a certain power to enter in astral world where every information is accessible. There is a very famous personality nowadays “ dhirender shastri” when someone sits in front of him he answers his questions even before someone ask his questions. Even he describe there home, what they eat, what happened in there life.

  5. How can I get in that seat? Seriously I want to talk to Shawn, I have a lot of real solutions for a lot of things you talk about and I think I can connect some dots and everything I have to say you’ll really appreciate. How the hell do I get in contact?

    Who I am doesn’t matter but what I have to say may.

  6. The Bible prohibits mediums and the like for good reason. You can open doors that can’t be closed plus you might not like what comes through the door.

  7. My girlfriend, (who has a Ph.D in a topic of biology) believes ufo's, esp, and remote viewing is complete BS. I think that evidence of rare capabilities in remote viewing is almost irrefutable. But what do I know 🤷

  8. We all need to engage in constructive debates and voting. This isn't a time in American intelligence where we should endure internal conflicts beyond policy. Let's unite, find common ground, present our points to the other party, and explain why they're valid. Vote and don't let divisions weaken us. Stay strong, America. God speed. Red tide🇺🇸🧠☀️

  9. The Roman Catholics educated him…. but Catholics do not become psychics… they don't remote veiw a damn thing. Something doesn't add up here.

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