
Spread The Viralist


#Shortdramas #DramaShorts #ShortFilm #窮小伙女總裁 #熱播短劇 #新劇首發 #minidrama #engsub #逆襲 #爽劇 #男頻


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About the Author: 爽劇不斷


  1. 又是「不合邏輯的劇本」。

  2. 1:45:00 They spread rumors, with NO evidence, that this Powerful, wealthy man was sleeping with their Son and they DIDN'T think it'd get back to him and he wouldn't want to destroy their family? What did they think would happen once he heard what was being said?

  3. 1:28:00 More WILLFUL STUPIDITY! How could you build a gaming company and NOT know this clown doesn't know anything about games and coding and she wants to make it an IPO? Heck she should have some BASIC skills herself.

  4. 1:09:00 "What father doesn't believe his son?" Really? He had the nerve to say that? I'm skipping to the end, these people are WILLFULLY STUPID and the writers are to lazy to write characters that show any sense. There "actions" are driven 100 percent by the plot. A "plot" that is ONLY concerned with unoriginal tropes to drive it.

  5. 15:00 this is why I'm really starting to despise this plot. I used to love it, but they are getting worse and worse and the Green Tea evil person the acting so awful you have to be WILLFULLY STUPID to believe anything they say and I HATE watching lazy dramas where the characters are WILLFULLY STUPID for them to work. It insults my intelligence as a viewer. I don't expect much, other than for stories to make sense and for the characters to act like people who actually have a brain cell. I'll give this 10 more minutes before I quit.

  6. 新しい展開だが結局同じ終わり方しかしない…最期はもう少し工夫して欲しい…題材は良いが終わり方が在り来りで正直つまらない…

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