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#FailArmy #Fails
4:59 he definetly a cat….!
13:15 That's why I stopped playing with my mom since a young age. The fun would turn in a situation like this or that I'm screaming too much and being overdramatic for playing with other kids. Narcissistic moms are an absolute pain in the ass even when you are a full grown adult.
The mom falling off the ladder is definitely staged. She didn’t even have paint on the paint brush and how convenient that the couch just happened to be in the perfect place.
Her teeth came out 😂😂😂❤
And the lady with the missing brow 😂😂
14:41 The balloons decided they would not kill turtles.
2:14 I condemn the act of smashing cake in someone’s face, it’s not cool at all. It just proves you’ve got no brains.
1:50 I had to watch it over and over a dozen times and still couldn’t stop laughing.
13:16 I'm pretty sure she never told him to stop. What a lousy mom. What do you guys think, same as me?
The title is wild.
1:18 Congrats! It’s a They/Them! 😂
26:30 I will definitely keep specifics to myself lol. Not gonna let anyone spoil it
Being called a bad mum is shameful, while being called a dumb dad is light-hearted – Wtf you got against against mothers… The parenting double standards are already bullshit enough asshat
1:50 fart!
7:36 That is totally something my dad would have done to me, from the costume to sitting in absolute silence. But my goofy a** would have burst out laughing.
13:15 she did nooooot say ”stop”! Trying to blame the kid for being that useless 🤪🤪
The crash test dummy was epic. Staged or not still funny
Love them.
0:43 This kid is dead for now!
0:07 This laughter🤣🤣🤣
When we were younger, we had no problems taking these spills and getting back up. Now when your older, it just hurts that much more!
I truly doubt that's the dumbest thing that she's ever done. Or ever will do.
The panzy got his ass wooped by an exercise ball by just trying to walk past it.
The little girl's laugh @8:46 is so pure and full of joy! Absolutely adorable 🥰🤗 girl dads are awesome ❤
7:35 This video should be in a museum of workplace disasters Brilliant content, can’t wait for the next upload
That last one was dark and kinda sad
3:25 I guess they didnt want another sibling 😅😂
13:14 what a stupid woman
7:32 ^^ XD 😉🥳🤣🤣🤣💀
0:39 ^^ ne sweets for the next 2 years… XD 😉🥳🤣🤣🤣💀
4:48 wtf? is he terrified of cucumbers? And 9:30 the snow angel is the cutest.
6:22 Some of these clips are hard to watch, but they’re also a reality check. No one’s perfect, and parenting can be overwhelming. Hope every mom and dad out there takes these as lessons and keeps striving to be better. Kids deserve our best!
what a title
dice malas madres y tontos padres y literalmente un padre le esta rompiendo la consola
0:47 you boys need some more acting classes.
I'm amazed at how many people try things that require muscles, when they have no muscle tone at all.
Oh my God the guy with the cucumber see I told you he's a cat he's a cat
7:32 is hilarious! I wonder if the girl had recently had an accident and that's why she didn't find the hilarity in the skit.
Have kids, they said. It'll be fun, they said.
@5:00 why did he freak out like that ??
0:24 I felt that one
5:34 The way she fell! 😂🤣😂
15:25 bro lives in dreamcore
7:24 i’m dead laughing at the way the kid runs😭 he’s like ‘go, ball, go!’
10:47 i really wish they didn’t cut the clip here😭
If the next video you guys put out is littered with intentionally staged, unfunny videos I'm unsubscribing. It's been terrible lately. It's obvious people are paying you to put their garbage content on YouTube.
Abigail Ellen, WE ALL KNOW YOU DID eat that Jambalaya.
0:45 bro knew he was dead