Bad Moms and Dumb Dads! | Best Parenting Fails

Bad Moms and Dumb Dads! | Best Parenting Fails
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  1. 13:15 That's why I stopped playing with my mom since a young age. The fun would turn in a situation like this or that I'm screaming too much and being overdramatic for playing with other kids. Narcissistic moms are an absolute pain in the ass even when you are a full grown adult.

  2. The mom falling off the ladder is definitely staged. She didn’t even have paint on the paint brush and how convenient that the couch just happened to be in the perfect place.

  3. Being called a bad mum is shameful, while being called a dumb dad is light-hearted – Wtf you got against against mothers… The parenting double standards are already bullshit enough asshat

  4. 6:22 Some of these clips are hard to watch, but they’re also a reality check. No one’s perfect, and parenting can be overwhelming. Hope every mom and dad out there takes these as lessons and keeps striving to be better. Kids deserve our best!

  5. If the next video you guys put out is littered with intentionally staged, unfunny videos I'm unsubscribing. It's been terrible lately. It's obvious people are paying you to put their garbage content on YouTube.

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