[Latest] Collection 15 of Biggest Ship Collisions and Mistakes Caught On Camera – Ep 2
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Worst editing ever. 😂
Insoutenable !!! Il ne peut pas se la fermer 2 secondes. J'ai tenu 2 minutes et … Basta !
Most of these accidents involve poorly maintained boats way past their sell by date and shouldn't even be on the water.
millions of dollars, huge,catastrophy,that's all that the commentator can talk about.Stupid boy…
LOL!!! The real tragedy is the commentary.
Some of those so called collisions were NOT collisions! Some were top heavy loads that turned the ship over and one was a ship that buckled in two because it was carrying more then it could handle. Owner error. Yes this video is stupid!
Despite the random comment about the "sacre force of the nature", 99% of the cases are about chinese ships crashing or collapsing because they are operating outside any rule or control…
The narration and script of this video are absolutely terrible.
Clickbait Bullshit. Thanks
AI voiceovers…🤦🏻♂️ Might've been better if you'd used better grammar when scripting…
Awfully put together 🤮🤮
Who the hell through this joke together editing narration I am laughing.
I'd love to know WHAT was so vital to the clown at 06:40 that he was prepared to risk being reduced to a smear??
The video should be called Rivers can be bad news like the ocean.
Awesome video! 🌹⚓
The Tall ship, 😢, but the people acting like it wasn't gonna sink? Or couldn't swim. Especially those 2 wearing life vest,with 90% of the boat under water!
0:04 dude nailed it!
What software do you use to make your click bait picture?
The commentary
River lol
lol wait for low tide but rich people think they no better lol
lol what crew ?
Its kind of stupid to talk about sea and ocean when shit happens at river.
The clips speak for themselves.
dommage ce guignol avec ses commentaires, on voit clair! qu'il ferme son clapet, obligé de couper le son, en fin de compte je n'ai même pas regardé cette vidéo entièrement!
Ниичего. Страшного. Не произошло. Был. Корабль. Утонул. Стал. Подводный. Корабль. ,,
Чо-то не вижу комментов, типа:угадай страну…
Stupidity, Incompetence, Ignorance. Usual situations
the sea don't "want" nothing mate, it's just water…
Sooooo after all the yapping, your just gonna show all the vids you just showed during all your yapping?? special
Is there no inspection of (GT) on these vessels? Some are clearly loaded over Gross Tonnage.
I get so tired of the AI bullshit narrators
Idiot commentary.👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿
To much BLAH BLAH… thumb down. The pictures speak for their own. Often ist less more. 😉
Asia has a problem😢