Injured Puppy Living All Alone In Trash Dump Gets Rescued | The Dodo

Injured Puppy Living All Alone In Trash Dump Gets Rescued | The Dodo
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She cozied up under a blanket next to the fireplace for 2 weeks after she got rescued — and her new smile says it all 💖

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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. Thank you for reaching this sweet girl. God bless you for your good work!
    She just kept wagging her tail; so amazing after being so neglected.
    Thanks also to "foster" families to care for these rescues animals until a home can be found. ❤️

  2. Thank you for rescuing Miss Penny!! But did u rescue all the other stray dogs that were in the trash dump also??? Please tell me that you guys did because we don't want anymore incidents to happen like little Miss Penny getting hit by a trash truck again.

  3. Every dog that lives in poor conditions and squalor is due to some human making a bad choice or action at some pt.

    Dogs were literally created by humans thousands of yrs ago.

    They are all our kids…

  4. Looks like she had puppies…somewhere on that dump site. Was she taken from this place, without a search for her puppies ???
    hmmmm…what would be the good of that?

  5. So great to see these rescue stories, the dogs appreciate it SO much. Anyone who bonds with a dog knows there's sonethhng so pure about the relationship. All they want is to be loved and part of the family (pack) 😀

    Every rescue not only has a happy dog , but a happy human too. So win win.

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