Here’s 4 SCARY GHOST Videos That Will Haunt You Forever ! Haunted dolls, ghosts, demon, shadow figures and scary paranormal activity are in this weeks scary comp!
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She doesn't show it doesn't have batteries. You can actually see the cover to where the batteries go.
That lady was awful calm recording a moving doll and NOT freaking out when things move in front of you. seems sus.
Hello dolly! if you're going to try and convince us greasy-face that dolly is haunted at least show us that there's no batteries in the doll, which you fail to do! It's a set up because you can si the helpers cellphone on the counter😉. Cherine…he just wants a kiss😘those luscious lips😋. The birthday candles🤔between the door with a straw? 🧐Ya! Ya! I know? I'm just grasping at straws here…☺😁. The hand is telling you to stop✋ singing🙉…😂
It would be funny if the doll kept walking up to the lady saying " mommy, mommy".😂
That hand that cane down the stairs was definitely not a paw of a cat unless she has a leopard or somethin lol and the ghost was just cheering her on with her singing leave it alone lol.
That doll smirked, 1:13 tell me I’m wrong.
9:32 she says “ guys, I’m going to sing you a song I wrote myself”, then later she says she was just recording it so she wouldn’t forget the words, wasn’t planning on sharing it.
How is the first videos girl so chilled and unbothered doesn’t make sense
@14:31 That hand looks WEBED! No fingers? Or WHAT?
Soysaray8 is definitely too calm to have these "hauntings".
The first one you showed they called shadow people
So maybe the manufacturers put in a back up power that the batteries charge up and it can turn on all by itself???? I'm curious.
Hmmm that clip with the woman singing, and the shadow on the stairs behind her, even without the hand there's a moving shadow. Dam and then the dog sees or senses it and is barking at it, then turns to her like "what is that"? pretty creepy. Good point about the cat going up the stairs. Cat didn't get freaked out? or scared by anything? Yeah if you look carefully at the end it does look like a face and head with white eyes.
Thanks For Persian Translation 😈 😊
What's really creepy is the narrarator's voice over…
Someone has a demonic entity in their house. get rid of that doll!
I am a firm believer in ghosts and spirts. I like to watch these on the videos, but I will tell you if it was in my house, I would be very upset… I've seen the evil ones before, and they appeared all hours of the day, I can honestly say they gave me day terrors!
There is no fear that can possibly compare! You have only one defense, just one. Jesus Christ! Command them to leave in Jesus's name. Repeat loudly over and over!
Trust in your animals, they can see or are very aware of the unseen! Get your home blessed and cleansed! It helps!
Second video is a sesame street character!
I'm into the paranormal. But don't believe the doll one. We need more footage.
At 14:10 I Personally Don’t SEE ANYTHING.
For Viewers too tell Her too Move Out of Her Home, is Absolutely Preposterous🙄
How many People have the Money too just pack up their entire Household, sell it, and pay for the Moving expenses, having too pay to get everything that is needed too move out, look for a new house, the inconvenience of having to re-establish your lights, water, electricity, and everything you need for a new residence adds up exponentially.
For Anyone that has suggested She just pack up and move, clearly has not thought about what That actually consists of, or it’s entirety 🤷🏼♀️
It’s easy too say in a fantasy world, but This is a Real Life Situation.
As if this Woman isn’t going through enough, She is asking for REAL HELPFUL ADVICE, Not these ridiculous, Arrogant, Selfish, Suggestions.
What She actually needs to do, is Keep Her Faith in Jesus Christ, and Pray that Saint Michael The Archangel Protects Her . Pray that He Will Help Her. Look for a Demonologist, or Native American Shaman too Come into her house and Do a cleansing too rid Her of the demon that has come into Her Home.
Only then, Will She, and Her Family Be Safe, and Get This Demon Out of Their Lives.
GOOD WINS OVER EVIL. She must Stay Strong in Her Faith for God, His Son Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and Pray that Saint Michael The Archangel defend Us in battle, be our protection of the wickedness, and snares of the devil, May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. AMEN 🙏🏽 ♥️ 🙌
Well, this last video 13:30 there is writing that has been blurred out that blocks the view of what we’re supposed to see. We can’t even see the upstairs for the blurred out Words is written in front.
At 10:17 anybody hear that weird sound, sounds demonic? Ahhh that's crazy gave me chills when I heard it
The last one was 100% aliens living rent-free in her home 👽