#MindWarehouse #IncredibleMoments #CaughtOnCamera #incrediblemoments
Earthquakes can catch anyone off guard, especially when they’re this powerful! Check out our compilation of some of the most unbelievable earthquakes ever caught on camera!
For copyright matters please contact us at: copymanager.mn@gmail.com
The video features materials that are copyright to Newsflare, YT: Yutan Channel, Goro O, YT: sikoucin.
I remember the Kaikoura earthquake of 2017 at midnight. We all ran out of the house to outside as it was violently shaking!! 7.5
Mother nature has her monents
I don’t think I could live where there are earthquakes
6:32 It's absolutely terrifying to witness the sheer power of nature. These earthquakes don’t just shake the ground—they shake lives. Watching this really makes you appreciate every moment and reminds us how important it is to be prepared for disasters. Stay safe, everyone!
4:58 No panic, Just another day at the office.
I remember being 20 minutes north of the epicenter of the 5.7 in Salt Lake City in March of 2020, it was both scary and fascinating. Fortunately there were no serious injuries.
The earthquake that destroyed Christchurch in 2011 was an aftershock of a 7.3 that happened a few weeks earlier. They had over NINETEEN THOUSAND large aftershocks over the next 4 years. 1/3 of the city's population (100,000 people) couldn't take the psychological stress and moved out
Not good when you see bubbling up from a lake. Even caused by an earthquake, its real easing trapped methane gas.
In today's life, we cannot predict unexpected disasters that can happen at any time. It's terrible when there are serious consequences…!
The thumbnail preview isn't from anything in this collection , and is probably fake .
Cat just laying up on bed saying what the hell man whats going on then I'm out of here.🤪🤠
And, as usual, the thumbnail picture did not feature in the video. YouTube is bloody hopeless!
The narrator is quite annoying with his cheerful voice !
1:50 Looks like the ground is breathing 😦
This video made me grateful I live in Western Nebraska where earthquakes are unknown, as it is a geologically stable area. Tornadoes, I can contend with.
Timestamp of the thumbnail? looks pretty interesting. Unless it's fake in which case that is terrible and the creator needs to stop doing that.😀
I experienced powerful earthquakes living in Papua New Guinea. Terrifying, especially when you're in a tall building and a swimming pool. Ideally, when you're in a building, you're supposed to take cover under a desk, table etc., not run out the building.
17:30 Turkey earthquake…The fault line fracture changed the location of the trees in the gardens with many olive trees. The interesting thing in this video is that the fracture went right through the middle of a tree. Half of the tree remained in place and the other half went 7-10 meters forward. This and similar images were shared a lot in our country's media. The roads coming at right angles to the fault line seemed to have been cut with a knife. One side was here and the other side seemed to continue 7 meters to the south.
7:15 i appreciate how fast everyone knows what to do and where to go. here in america everyone would be too busy recording on their phones to move
Unlike the humans in the third clip, that cat was hauling ass to safety.
25:41 in the middle of the day!!! I thought earthquakes could only happen when the sun was up?
These earthquake moments are absolutely insane! The power and destruction captured on camera are unreal. Huge thanks to the channel for bringing us such intense and awe-inspiring footage!
I would love to see footage of an earthquake from a drones perspective. All other footage is shaking along with the quake.
Those cats on the bed certainly didn't feel it coming ahead of time. So many anecdotes of animals giving warning. but obviously not always.
Ha! The Japanese are about as blasé' about earthquakes as we Midwesterners are about tornadoes.
3:50 Bro that's Not China, that is Taiwan. That was an earthquake that shook Hualien on April 3rd 2024, it caused a semi-landmark building called the Uranus Building (Chinese: 天王星大樓) to till over, it was one of a 2 dozen buildings that tilted or collapsed, another was the Full Hotel it was also in the news pictures shared around the world. Taiwan is not China台湾不是中国
Some traditional houses in the Philippines were built on tree trunks standing on round rocks to prevent earthquake damage.
Half an hour pure sensationalism. Not a bit of background, lame comments from a to b, no further. "Just look how quickly they reacted."
20:25 That poor cat.
This is pretty common in many of the regions posted here. Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, parts of China, the Philippines, the West Coast of the US. All of these regions are part of the Ring of Fire. The planet's most active geological area.
I live in sparta,nc the camera man said it was a 5.1. Quake. It was later discovered it was a 6.2 rocked us good that one. Sounded like a freight train was crashing.
this should be retitled "Lamest earthquake footage". 1/3rd the way through the video, and all we have seen is some shaking, and a bunch of idiots that dont know what to do in an earthquake.
21:50 guy hides under a folding table. Yeah, thatʻs not gonna save you bud.
me again 😊 I find the sound of an earthquake really has a sound of crumbling rock 🤨
We get a fair amount of these earthquakes in New Zealand and they are scary as 😟
So many people doing the wrong thing or not knowing what to do at all. Run around and scream.
Just hide under a table or doorway until it's over.
Could’ve done without the music during the Mexico footage.
The Philippines office workers did the WRONG thing……. anyone that lives in the Philippines do they not teach you what to do in school? Just asking as I grew up on the other side of the ocean (on the famous Ring of Fire no doubt) and we where taught in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL on what to do. Hit the ground, get under the desk and when the shaking stops count for as long as it seemed the earthquake happened. Mainly for the most strongest aftershocks that come with an earthquake.
One thing thats good is that people in these Seismically active areas know its best to get OUT of buildings! The 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami taught the entire World the lesson that man made barriers do NOT always keep Tsunamis in check. They also taught the world that often 2 or 3 story buildings are not always TALLER than a Tsunami & powerful Waves have the ability to travel 7+ MILES inland.😳
Not clever sticking your foot in between a large crack in the roadway – one tremor and a narrower foot at no extra cost.
7:35 My father had seen the Alaska " good Friday earthquake in 1964. As a young child in school, We were having "quake drills". I asked my dad, " Where is the best place to be in an earthquake" (thinking to myself, in an airplane)?
He responded, "SOMEWHERE ELSE!!"
I asked why not in a plane..? He explained you'd probably be fine during the actual event if you had enough fuel. If you had to land where the earthquake struck, Where are you going to put it down? The runways could be cracked and heaved… Nothing like ramming into a 10 foot wall of Earth, at a 90 miles an hour, in an aluminum vehicle, burning 105 octane! 😯
The Earth herself is breathing 🙋🏻♀️🇬🇧
I have not seen the vast majority of these clips…. Nicely done!
The one at 12.03 isn't an earthquake. A bit of heavy equipment is demolishing a building.
China seems to get a lot of earthquakes. It's almost like Mother nature Hates the place.
Stupid voice over