SCARIEST Videos of Ghost and Demons Caught on Camera!

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SCARIEST Videos of Ghost and Demons Caught on Camera! 👻

Haunter brings you the best of the best scary, horror videos including, ghosts, demons, entities, monsters, shadow figures, paranormal events, supernatural events, mythical sightings, aliens, Mysterious, weird and horrific scenes, unexplained footage, UFOS, deep dark web content and the rest of the creepy content out there to be seen. We have it all. All researched, narrated and edited by Haunter.

This video is similar to bizzarebub, nuke’s top 5, haunted5, depths of despair and Sir Spooks.

This video is not a scary comp, Top 30 Scariest GHOST Videos Of ALL TIME!, 20 Scary Videos You Should Not Watch Alone, TOP 20 SCARIEST Ghost Videos of the YEAR but SCARIEST Videos of Ghost and Demons Caught on Camera!

The story behind some of the clips are made up by me for entertainment purposes.


Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Anxiety – Madness Paranoia by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Apprehension – Supernatural Haunting by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Myuu – Underworld:


CO.AG Music –

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All third-party content used is in compliance with fair use and is used for educational purposes. If you believe we have infringed on any of your copyrighted content then please contact us via email:


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About the Author: Haunter


  1. Most of this channel's back stories are totall fabrication on the creators part.
    Cant wait till this channel comes up in my main feed so I can PERMANENTLY BLOCK this shit.

  2. Haunter, the narrator, sounds like AI. It's awful. Whoever is typing what the AI reads has a poor grasp of the English language. In fact, it's so bad that I catch myself laughing out loud. The cliches, though non-stop, are the least obnoxious element to this narrator's drivel. It's like a B movie. Unintentionally funny.

  3. Oui a 20:50 c'est L'autre idiot qui a hérité de la maison dexsacrifices grand mère ou de sa mère décédée et qui a fait des séances ouija n'importe comment ..on le voit sur l'une des premières vidéos essayer d'utiliser un verre pour remplacer la goutte et le verre explose avant qu'il le touche et après cela , c'est toute la cuisine qui s'enfuit en se protégeant avec la planchette ouija et en criant " in the name of Jésus "😂😂..

  4. Ian, (The Midwest Ghost Hunter) has some amazing captures in practically all of his videos. I highly recommend checking his videos out if you enjoy paranormal content 😊
    Joe (the one wearingthe cap) & Elliott are the 2 British men "Ghost Theory" and they are hilarious.

  5. id 100% recommend adding haunting of a sunshine girl videos to it or mark apolson to see what people think its their videos are real or fake, love your vids man❤️

  6. Number 5 is a lie. I forgot his first name but his last name is Worley. I seen his videos on Dark knight paranormal. He's been following his story. The guy 's mom passed away and that's when the haunting started after she passed. He has an attachment meaning it follows him wherever he goes. The information they get on all of these stories are wrong. Get your stories straight before u post ur videos

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