Did you know why HULK couldn’t defeat THANOS in INFINITY WAR?

Did you know why HULK couldn't defeat THANOS in INFINITY WAR?
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Hello, I’m Freak Marvelist and I strive to catch overlooked details in Marvel movies and present them to you. My favorite Marvel movies are Avengers Endgame, Avengers Infinity War, Captain america Civil War, The Avengers. My favorite Marvel characters are IIron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye (Ronin), Ant-Man, War Machine, Captain Marvel, Nebula, Rocket Raccoon, Doctor Strange, Spiderman and SpiderMan.



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About the Author: Freak Marvelist


  1. …true, the angrier the Hulk gets the stronger he gets, however, Thanos yall, had on the stone of…….."POWER"….in that fight. BUT I sooo much wanted Hulk to get some payback in that movie!…

  2. i call bollocks on this hulk is supposed to get stronger the more he's hurt and angrier he gets he lost because thanos was using the power stone he had it equipped already

  3. Even if this is true, hulk still adapts to battle. Like him vs abomination. Abomination was kicking his ahh until hulk adapted and started whooping ahh

  4. I’m not sure if anyone notice but I didn’t like how in the avengers infinity war Bruce kept trying to force the out hulk out of him when we know when he fights his opponent he gets angry and he changes but they didn’t do that.

  5. Hulk got an ego from beating everyone when he was on the grandmasters planet. He started to believe he was the strongest being in the Universe. Then he tried the same with Thanos who not only is stronger, but had the power stone.
    Hulk goes into a fight and brawls and just tries to smash, you can't do that against Thanos who knows how to fight and will outsmart you.
    Hulk knew he couldn't beat Thanos, so retreated into Banner. I have no doubt he's going to emerge again (Probably with Doom), and there are alot of people getting sick of this "Smart Hulk".

  6. The hulk should have been more excited than scared when thanos started to pull his arms off of him. Making thanos stronger than hulk, AND turning down hulks anger is just lazy writing to cater to what your goal was which was to give thanos the stones. The writers know thanos wouldn’t get far with all the hero’s there, hulk alone is written as a overpowered hero, in the end the writers HAVE to be lose with power scaling. There’s NOTHING logical about this scene when viewing characters from there comic book counter parts.

    People who say skill > power. Clearly aren’t aware of how hulk functions, he’s endless anger and strength, he shouldn’t be stopped by someone like thanos, or put asleep.

  7. 2008 Hulk would NOT have gone down that easily. 08 Hulk isn’t a complete and utter dumbass when fighting. He uses his brain and he’s a lot more accurate with his strikes. He also becomes stronger the angrier he gets. Apparently Mark Ruffalo’s hulk can’t do that.

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