Mikey Reacts To NNear Death Experience Compilation EP #1 ( Let’s Watch ) taking a look at People in amazing near death experiences almost died but surviving thankfully! Incredible Near Death Experience Crash Compilations at The MegaVerse with instant Karma, Road Rage, Near Death on Go Pro accidents and other Near Death Experience Compilation videos where people survive and live to tell the tale by the skin of their teeth! MikeyMegaMega reacts!
The Megaverse is the place for everything Mikey when I’m not doing Art! Great to have you! So Let’s Watch along as we react to the latest trailers, memes, cringe, compilations and all sorts of other videos, so let’s get lost down the rabbit hole of all the amazing crazy content that can be found on YouTube and the rest of the internet!
Recorded Live over at https://www.twitch.tv/mikeymegamega come hang out and don’t forget to follow me on twitter! https://twitter.com/megamegaverse
The original video we watched can be found here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMZs6FXmUXE
#reaction #neardeath #carcrash
Near Death Full Playlist!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbpEO3kZXYAYTNyR1sMBIIFSPn1lhP43e
Recorded Live over at https://www.twitch.tv/mikeymegamega come hang out and don't forget to follow me on twitter! https://twitter.com/megamegaverse
So, about the iceberg flipping into the guys, it way more dangerous than it seems if you consider the fact that the water there must be extremely cold, also there is the possibility of a suction force generating of the displacement of the water underneath the iceberg and the weight of it pushing the guy down. All this would make difficult for the poor dude to swim either out of the way of the iceberg or up to the surface. But i might just be mixing subjects and delivering an incorrect statement basing myself in broken physics and the random shit i have in my head
Let's go first coment