Rottweiler Thinks Guinea Pigs Are Her Babies ❤️ | The Dodo

Rottweiler Thinks Guinea Pigs Are Her Babies ❤️ | The Dodo
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Meisha watches over her guinea pigs all day while her parents aren’t home!

Especially when the cat gets close 😂❤️

Watch more @meisha_the_rottweiler on Instagram!


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. She looks so much like my girl Roxy. We were hiking across a creek that had fist sized black river rocks in the creek bed. Roxy was convinced that they were puppies that needed to be rescued, it took hours. Miss that girl, she's been gone over 10 years now. They are such loving mutts. Stubborn and blockheaded but loving.

  2. I would think the guinea pigs may consider the dog as an extra large guinea pig who may be protecting them, but I noticed one was about to leave it's shelter & returned quickly on seeing the dog. Lovely!!😅😅😅😊

  3. OMG, I never Contemplated any scenario where I'd look between guinea pigs and a rottweiler and then cite the Poochie as the Cuter. But this was such a beautiful watch. The degree of emotion she has for them. Would not want to stand in between her and them. Those definitely are her babies 😅. The little guys are obviously cuteness overload and so together, They are phenomenal. Stay Blessed guys

  4. Can someone educate me on this if I’m misunderstanding but the body of that rottie is a little high energy and too focused wasn’t it? It feels like she’s looking at them like a toy a bit

  5. I have a pit bull and he LOVES our guinea pig!! He is super gentle too. So cool to see all species come together and take care of eachother. He also loves our cats, except for one. He cries when that one gets to close and I have to walk him by the cat LOL❤😂

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