‘Scary’ rescue dog just wants kisses
Check out this story: https://www.instagram.com/thearcanimalsanctuary
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I think their pouting lower lips are adorable!
NO dog breed is dangerous; human owners are.
Very sad whole countries are taking peoples rights away along with their dogs.
I wish I could change the negative stigma surrounding the pit-bull breed. It’s so heartbreaking to me to know that just because of the name pit-bull or because of the outermost appearance ALL of these precious animals are judged, and usually it’s a negative judgement. These dogs dogs are no different than any other breed! Actually I’ve realized that a lot of the smaller breed dogs are the most aggressive. I honestly can say the breed of a dog has NOTHING to do with the dogs aggression, it’s completely the way in which the animal was raised, trained, or lack there of (training) by the owners of these animals. A dog’s environment and the types of owners they have had and most importantly how the dog has been treated by people are absolutely what makes a dogs personality aggressive or loving. The breed has NOTHING absolutely NOTHING to do with the animals behavior!!! Please anyone who has made a pre- determined opinion or decision based on the name “pit-bull” please reconsider that decision. You would not want to be judged based on your appearance or your name alone, it’s important to get to know each other and not judge others based on their appearance. Please give these animals the same courtesy, because they are great animals!!! Also each of us are different and unique in our ways, that’s exactly the same with every animal regardless of breed , species, or gender. Pit-bulls are amazing beautiful loyal and very loving animals. They are intelligent and love their humans to a fault.
UK's laws don't apply basic bayes theorem!? lmao. Humans choose pitbulls to do bad things and then correlation error spreads illogical lies
You are lovely your dog is lovely I hope you lead a long happy life
Precious Fur Angel🐾🐾💞
Cutie pie doggie.
This dog found her destiny on her own. She wants to be a momma to whoever needs one.😅
She is super sweet and beautiful. Such a gentle lady. ❤
Dogs are amazing. They are most likely the only perfect thing that the human race has ever created.
300 animals she raised that is an incredible and wonderful statistic for that dog just amazing
Give dat Big Baby Chuggers
A" mama " doggo and rescue babies.
My sister had a pit named Rosie who wouldn’t hurt a fly. It’s not the breed it’s how they are raised and treated.
Wonderful lady! What a great idea to put silly clothes to show the pup is approachable.🫶🐕🥰
She's absolutely adorable, and so sweet, and so caring.
What a precious girl. Thank you for all your work with the animals.
What a wonderful dog who has a wonderful owner❤❤
I had a pittie growing up, I'm 64 now. Back then people didn't know what a pit bull was . He was just a mutt and we were amazed that a male dog could be such an amazing "mother" to our cat's kittens. But I, because of my ignorance, said no to my daughter getting a pit puppy because I thought it might be aggressive to our lab and young granddaughter. I know better now. It's amazing how misinformation can spread prejudice so widely and deeply. And not just with animals. Look what is happening with the right wing propaganda in politics. It is destabilizing the entire world right now.
That's an angel.
Well, that’s a really beautiful story
Men being more scared – just a thought why – they project their subconscious aggression and assume the dog may be aggressive.
What an absolutely beautiful story!! ❤ You’re what I would call an Earth Angel – the animal world is so lucky to have you as their friend! ❤ I will say how very disturbing it is however the way England treats bully breeds – to the point they seized dogs from you and then put you in a position of needing/wanting to leave the country. That is shameful. I do not understand why dogs of any breed would not be judged on an individual basis instead of grouped all together. Sorry to say, England is not very enlightened. 😢
She is so cute
What a sweetheart. She is a perfect example of " you can't judge a book by its cover."
What an amazing Woman. Thank you for saving her.
❤❤❤Il n est pas effrayant, plutôt impressionnant… mais avec un bouille d Amour ❤️. Tout plein de bisous mon loulou 😘 😘 😘 😘
Fantastico ❤
4.4k+👍Wow ❤❤❤!! Great presentation, ❤❤❤ GOD BLESS YOU DEAR , ❤❤❤HAVE A NICE TIME❤❤❤Amazing dear pretty sister, ❤❤❤very beautiful , ❤❤❤wonderful coverage , ❤❤❤greetings from HONG KONG❤❤❤ @richscenic
She is an angel and thanks to her human❤
Thank you for taking care of this dog and kittens from a dog lover.
A lot of people are just so basic – still judging everything by how it looks and being so sure of their first decision despite any evidence they get to the contray. Worrying humans have stopped evolving mentally/emotionally.
My pittie looks just like her. She also came from a bad beginning. At 4 months old she would fear bite when strangers reached to pet her. Thankfully through alot of patience, love and socializing she is a friendly loving dog. She also loves her kids, dog sisters and kitties. They love to play and snuggle. Says alot against breed bias!
Thank you for all have done for your beautiful girl. 💖
I saw tenderness and infinite love in her eyes ❤
Cali is at The Arc Animal Sanctuary 🐾❤ I follow the sanctuary on Instagram and YouTube. I love all the animals there😍
She is a beautiful soul, Thank you for sharing her with us.
She is adorable.
Beautiful ❤
Bait dog.
So glad you found her ❤️
She was born to love ❤️
If dogs could achieve sainthood, Cali would certainly qualify. Imagine raising 300 orphaned babies!! She's one in a million.
Thank God you left that he// hole in the UK.
they are using Phrenology (a debunked psuedo-science basing character on cranial features) on dogs.