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Bondi Rescue follows the work of the elite professional Lifeguards who patrol Australia’s busiest beach. This is Australia’s real life Baywatch! Taking the viewers on their journey through mass rescues, drownings, resuscitations, shark sightings, and all number of the weird and wonderful experiences Bondi Beach dishes up.
In #BondiRescue the audience sees the action through the eyes of real characters and #lifeguards like Hoppo, Deano, Reidy, Jesse, Maxi, Whippet and Harries, as they catch thieves, perform CPR, make drug busts, break up fights, and even handle a navy bomb that washes ashore one afternoon. Every year throws up new and completely unexpected challenges, and how lifeguards adapt is what makes Bondi Rescue a show that’s about much more than swimmers being saved in the surf.
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That beautiful specimen of an octopus is one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet. Get stung by it, and it's often fatal! There is no antivenom so you must seek medical attention, and probably put on artificial respiration until the poison has run it's course.
help i swum in the kids pool thinking nothing could get in there 😭
Something at his lips idk it's unsettling
yea, wouldnt it have been safer to release it after the beach is closed?
Did you see the reference to the wiggles?
Guys lips literally dissolved
"bye Henry 😊"
I’m not gonna lie, but why is no one talking about why his lips are literally beige?😂😂😂😂❤❤❤
Bros lips got sun bleached ;-;
Oh my word Australia…is there anything that side that isn't dangerous?
That kid is 100% Australian. Wasn’t even shocked or scared that it was a Blue Ring Octopus. That kid knew what it was when he caught it 😂
Not me watching this because it’s Harrison❤😂 I kept voting for you Harrison!! Love ya mate!
This is why I would ever visit australia
Omg cool kid!!!
In primary school I did an ocean PowerPoint and I did the blue ringed octopus, they are gorgeous but so deadly ☹️
When lifeguarding includes relocation of marine life. Great on the kid for getting it out of the kids pool!
Harrison is on I’m a celebrity get me out of here Australia and if you don’t know Harrison he is the lifeguard in this clip
That kid is EXTREMELY lucky
Why his lips look like that
Yer naur, gosh I love Australian vernacular. And the offhanded way he says yes it's the most venomous thing you could ever find.
Blue things in nature almost always turn out to be dangerous
We need a sanctuary for blue ring octopuses so that if there found in circumstances like teses that they are not a harm to kids and other people if you get what in saying also bye Henry 👋👋👋
Looks like jfk
That lifeguard is 75% skin cancer.
I wonder how it get to the kiddie pool 😮
That little boy was SO proud of himself 😭
The coolest thing I’ve run into is a stingray…I freaked out and almost drowned my mom…sorry mom…. 🥲
Put the blue ring close to shore??? Why not put it kilometres away to be in the safe side?
Oh dear. Easily one of the most venomous things on earth. Kids lucky to be alive
Well done mate👍😎🇦🇺
How are your lips white
In NSW??
Ohhhhhhhh not good
Bro… One of the most venomous things you can catch… One bite has enough venom to kill 26 people. Proceeds to just put it back in. The ocean.. I'd be sprinting away from that beach and water 🤣🤣
Tupperware fr
Did an oral presentation on these beautiful crewtures when I was in promary school
“Yeah nah great call”
Octopus here, thanks for everything
It can kill 26 people
Lets it go near people playing in the water 😂
I caught "HEAPS" of these in my kids days at Point Peron in Western Australia. Walk on any of the shallow reefs at low tide and you can find them.
He looks like he needs a glass of water 😂