Lol the cats definitely just playing though In this space The cat could have killed him right then and there … 💯
I agree that the cat is not in a big enough area. 💯 it looks like it could lose a few lbs, hence running more, in an open field…
Show a cougar your back (esp the back of your neck) and you are inviting them to a "you buffet".
That's a big CATastrophe !
Opportunistic instinct was triggered. They can’t control it.
Went for the neck👀
A wild animal will always be a wild animal. The instincts to hunt are always there. Just imagine if that was a child.
Cat 😂😂😂😂
Yes he would of slipped oops
Новая поговорка, применимая к данным ситуациям, которая наверняка разойдётся в народ:
its what they do…….
Reminds me of the casual bear bite on a camera shoot where the bears fangs accidentally went in too deep and the guy died
Warning signs. I noticed in another video he had signs of aggression. Be careful!
Why is it in that metal cage instead of a grassy area or free?
All big cats love to sneak behind
And the camera guy not warning him just continued to record. Of course
Yes, young men should beware of cougars:-))
they always go for the neck…. caretakers should use a titanium neck scarf or something
Cats love to play! Doubt he'd kill his handler. Still he should have backup. Camera operator was probably in that role.
I searched up wild cougar and got this cougar in captivity
Cats are always locked in to the back of the neck…they are looking to break the spine..crazy.
My cat does the same thing. 😱
yikes…that is a code brown moment.
As a Red Dead Redemption player, I can verify this is how they hunt. I've been killed about 30 times this way.
Not an attack. Bid for some attention maybe. These two know each other well.
People are fools for having animals that belong in the wild.
He goes for the neck! YIKES 😮
You ever hear the story about the frog and the scorpion?…
Stupid people love to FAFO.
Why does that cougar have spots?
Lol cougar was definitely only playing but you can see how they pretend to be friendly before ambush
You have no idea how recklessly dangerous and dumb that just was.
Literally just practicing, but making the conscious decision not to bite. If the man was a puma that this puma knew, it would do the same. It recognizes him as a friendly but still cant help its instincts while playing. But to kill is choice, one it wont choose unless its threatened or very hungry. Dude better stop offering his neck like that though.
He tried fighting his intrusive thoughts but in the end they took over💙Guy was lucky
read dead redemption 2 couger action
Cat was telling the man to fix the tire swing
Будь аккуратнее, хоть такие животные и руководствуются в большей мере интеллектом, инстинкты иногда тоже могут срабатывать, даже у животного выращенного в неволе, очень опасно
Perhaps this is rough play, a game of "hunting". Though it can also be a sign of frustration. Domesticated cats exhibit this same behavior, from my experiences. Doesn't mean that Braige wants to cause any harm to Anton or hates him, at all, IF it's frustration. For all I know, this could mean love.
He’s conflicted. A humans must go all the way sharing love for an animal of this size and type in order to establish greater friendship. Sleeping in the house and mostly in the same bed, walking around the home establishing rules and regulations, talking ‘with’ the animal constantly, brushing the animal several times daily, establishing feeding time right next to the diners table, taking the animal on trips, throw a ball so the animal will chase it, sit with the animal and read books to the animal, and when the animal calls out repeat the sound. Animals developed greater trust and discipline this way.
He was just checking him, no weak things allowed in its presence
Looks kinda skinny for a cougar
Не дай бог но,когда нибудь случится 😢.
He let you live
What was that about 😳?
Man : Holy S*** WTF
Puma : nahhh. gotcha!
Lol the cats definitely just playing though
In this space
The cat could have killed him right then and there …
I agree that the cat is not in a big enough area. 💯 it looks like it could lose a few lbs, hence running more, in an open field…
Show a cougar your back (esp the back of your neck) and you are inviting them to a "you buffet".
That's a big CATastrophe !
Opportunistic instinct was triggered. They can’t control it.
Went for the neck👀
A wild animal will always be a wild animal. The instincts to hunt are always there. Just imagine if that was a child.
Cat 😂😂😂😂
Yes he would of slipped oops
Новая поговорка, применимая к данным ситуациям, которая наверняка разойдётся в народ:
its what they do…….
Reminds me of the casual bear bite on a camera shoot where the bears fangs accidentally went in too deep and the guy died
Warning signs. I noticed in another video he had signs of aggression. Be careful!
Why is it in that metal cage instead of a grassy area
or free?
All big cats love to sneak behind
And the camera guy not warning him just continued to record. Of course
Yes, young men should beware of cougars:-))
they always go for the neck….
caretakers should use a titanium neck scarf or something
Cats love to play! Doubt he'd kill his handler. Still he should have backup. Camera operator was probably in that role.
I searched up wild cougar and got this cougar in captivity
Cats are always locked in to the back of the neck…they are looking to break the spine..crazy.
My cat does the same thing. 😱
yikes…that is a code brown moment.
As a Red Dead Redemption player, I can verify this is how they hunt. I've been killed about 30 times this way.
Not an attack. Bid for some attention maybe. These two know each other well.
People are fools for having animals that belong in the wild.
He goes for the neck! YIKES 😮
You ever hear the story about the frog and the scorpion?…
Stupid people love to FAFO.
Why does that cougar have spots?
Lol cougar was definitely only playing but you can see how they pretend to be friendly before ambush
You have no idea how recklessly dangerous and dumb that just was.
Literally just practicing, but making the conscious decision not to bite. If the man was a puma that this puma knew, it would do the same. It recognizes him as a friendly but still cant help its instincts while playing. But to kill is choice, one it wont choose unless its threatened or very hungry. Dude better stop offering his neck like that though.
He tried fighting his intrusive thoughts but in the end they took over💙Guy was lucky
read dead redemption 2 couger action
Cat was telling the man to fix the tire swing
Будь аккуратнее, хоть такие животные и руководствуются в большей мере интеллектом, инстинкты иногда тоже могут срабатывать, даже у животного выращенного в неволе, очень опасно
Perhaps this is rough play, a game of "hunting". Though it can also be a sign of frustration. Domesticated cats exhibit this same behavior, from my experiences. Doesn't mean that Braige wants to cause any harm to Anton or hates him, at all, IF it's frustration. For all I know, this could mean love.
He’s conflicted. A humans must go all the way sharing love for an animal of this size and type in order to establish greater friendship. Sleeping in the house and mostly in the same bed, walking around the home establishing rules and regulations, talking ‘with’ the animal constantly, brushing the animal several times daily, establishing feeding time right next to the diners table, taking the animal on trips, throw a ball so the animal will chase it, sit with the animal and read books to the animal, and when the animal calls out repeat the sound. Animals developed greater trust and discipline this way.
He was just checking him, no weak things allowed in its presence
They're still wild animals