Although it is very difficult for pitbulls and lions to meet in the wild, this special dog breed pitbulls, bred to protect herds from wild animals, are thought to be able to easily defeat a lion. These dogs, with 235 PSI jaw pressure, are very agile and stubborn! #pitbull #lion #animals #documentary
This is absurd, for one thing because pit bulls don't live in the African wilderness, and because a full grown male lion weighs twice what the biggest pit bull male weighs. The video has been doctored to make the dog look as big as the lion which is absurd. In the real world a full grown male lion would eat a pit bull if he was hungry.
There are many accounts of Bobcats killing Pitbulls. A Lion will destroy a Pitbull in one millisecond.
You guys must be young gen z idiots. Of course the lion will easily destroy a pit bull with brute strength and ferocity from the lion of Judah
Do you think…not a hyenas
what the hell is this nonsense?
Dont be sliily bro lions are sotronger
Pitbull qith lion face,lion with kangal face.
lions are not fast not the strongest but hes the king of the wild he will kill the pitbull with jast three bites and the lion are bigger so the lion will win
Il leone si mangia il Pitbull immediatamente
either that is a very small lion or they gave the pitbull roids they shouldn't be close in size .
A wolverine would fair better than tge pitbull
wtf is this useless cringe video
Pitt dög hot dog
Pitbul is nothing against Kangal dog. And Kangal was solved by tiger in one second. The same it would be by lion. And pitbul? Not one second, it would take much earlier…
Wo werden diese Zwerglöwen gezüchtet ?
Pit bulls wild ??????? Take your word for it
Mentirero el león ya se lo hubiera tragado
So what you end up with is one shredded pit bbq
See where the trick comes in is dogs like to dominate and be over top grabbing the neck.. wild cats like to slip under and disembowel their adversaries stomach while they keep them busy up top
About as much chance as trump beating Tyson in a street brawl😂
This is kinda bullshit. No dogs can withstand a lion
Really that was a puma or a cougar or some shit smdh
This is full of it..
Are you stupid? You are talking about 200 pounds of wild fury mounted with jaws and claws with a billion years of experience and instinct to kill. Lions hunt to eat. Dogs are fed by men
A pitbull would be killed by a lion. A lion has a weight 4 times more than a pitbull🤣