Terence Crawford Shakes Off Knockdown Scare, Finishes Kavaliauskas in Style

Terence Crawford Shakes Off Knockdown Scare, Finishes Kavaliauskas in Style
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Terence Crawford faced an early challenge as Kavaliauskas caught him with a big shot, momentarily stunning him. However, Crawford stayed composed, adjusted his strategy, and took control of the fight. He gradually broke down Kavaliauskas before finishing him with a series of knockdowns, securing a dominant TKO victory. #boxing #miketyson #mma #ufc #floydmayweather #sports #fight #pacquiao #gervontadavis #mannypacquiao #errolspencejr #inoue #canelo #caneloalvarez #canelovscrawford


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About the Author: BOXKING


  1. I love how there are knockdown rules for "certain" boxers and then there are knockdown rules for "the rest" of the boxers. This is one of the reasons the sport of boxing has taken a knee itself. Corruption and greed

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