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About the Author: Opawumi Oluwatobi


  1. kisi ki Jaan vaha par Jaa Rahi hai Vo Dogg apne bacche ko bachane ka try kar rahi hai .Aur sab log Shooting kar rahe hai .Yah bahut galat baat hai values and ethics hame Kisiki jaan bachane ko kahta hai kisiko marna nahi aur god bhi yahi kahte hai. think about Dog's emotion that time .

  2. Disneyland is known as a shapeshifter or skinwalker. It's out it's shapeshifting current part Cat part snake. Did you know that snakes used to walk on land

  3. I can't believe those people would stand there and not try to help this dog get his puppy from that snake. Someone could have done something. Donnie got a gun and shot the snake. Got a knife and cut it done something. If it was their dog they would have wanted someone to help it. This disgusts me.

  4. 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹 de verdad tú quieres que te demos like y que nos escribamos a tu canal Oh my God si estás normal de la cabeza o no pues yo más bien pienso que tú estás bien mal de la mente y lo que le sigue cómo te atreves a hacernos pensar O sea qué es lo que quieres demostrar no lo entiendo solo tu mente tan chiquita que tienes Cómo se te ocurre hacer esta clase de video estoy molesta e indignada lo único que tú te mereces no es suscribirnos ni un like tú te mereces una mentada de madre

  5. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤡😡😡😡😡😡 la verdad no sé si esto sea real o es falso Pero de igual manera si es verdad Que gente tan mediocre estúpida se atreve a dejar esos perritos con esa culebra tan peligrosa esto no tiene ni siquiera chiste nada educativo más bien causa tanto coraje que mejor me ahorro ya las palabras porque si no voy a seguir insultando los

  6. I may be wrong of what I am seeing but the puppy goes from white to black. It may be white & black while in the middle but it is solid black when you see almost the whole body on the side view

  7. You have TREATS ON THE DAMN GROUND!! Cut the BS and STOP TRYING TO PRETEND you’re some savior. You’re Neglecting and abusing a dog, which is further proof because of the video you made. You’re a bottom feeder…. I also flagged and reported to YouTube!

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