Egypt’s KING of FALAFEL!! Insane Street Food in Cairo!! 🇪🇬

Egypt’s KING of FALAFEL!! Insane Street Food in Cairo!! 🇪🇬
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🇪🇬 Egypt Street Food Tour in Cairo:
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Today we’re eating some of the best Egyptian food in greater Cairo, especially around Heliopolis where you’ll find the king of falafel, a very popular Egyptian family restaurant, and the best breakfast sandwiches I’ve ever had in my life!

Bashandy ( – To start off, Abanoub is taking us to eat to eat at an extremely popular Egyptian street food breakfast spot that’s famous for their fuul, falafel, and french fries, all within sandwiches. Their combinations of sandwiches were dreamworthy and that’s some of the best fuul I’ve ever eaten in my life.

Naser Alfaiomy ( – Next up we’re heading to another local Egyptian street food breakfast and this is where you’ll find the king of falafel, and they the chef makes so much falafel he actually does a dance as he fries them for momentum.

Abou Haidar Shawerma ( – Just down the street from breakfast you’ll find what is easily the most famous and one of the best Egyptian shawarma’s in Cairo, and they make their shawarma a bit different from anywhere else on earth with the addition of tomatoes, baba ganoush and mint leaves mixed up within the meat.

Hagoga ( – Next up on the Egyptian food tour in Cairo today we’re going to an extremely popular Egyptian family restaurant that’s known for serving home style Egyptian food, and it’s some of the best Egyptian food you can get.

Ali El Sharqawy ( – Finally we’re heading back in to central Cairo to eat fried brains and liver the Egyptian way!

0:00 Intro to Egyptian Street Food
0:50 Bashandy – Egyptian Sandwiches
11:22 Naser Alfaiomy – King of Falafel
19:50 Abou Haidar – Egyptian Shawarma
25:23 Hagoga Restaurant
34:50 Ali El Sharqawy – Brains and Liver
39:39 Ending

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About the Author: Mark Wiens


  1. Nous sommes vraiment tristes pour ce qui se passe a Gaza
    Surtout pour ce mois de Ramadan
    L Egypte a participe a les affamer
    A aide israel dans ses projets de destruction de Gaza
    Comment peuvent-ils se regarder en face
    Ils ont soulage les palestiniens de leur argent ,ceux qui voulaient sortir de Gaza
    Ont détourné les aides
    Ont fermé le point de passage
    Nous sommes tres en colère
    L Égypte a commis un crime grave ,contre les femmes et les enfants gazaouis
    J espère qu ils finiront par payer tous ces crimes
    Je pense que c est deja le cas car ils perdent leur terre et l economie ne vas pas bien
    Ils ne voient pas le lien avec ce qu ils font aux pauvres palestiniens
    Dieu est grand et juste

  2. Allah bless Egyptian people and the country,
    But God yinteqm minno sisi
    11:29 He said "Free for foreigners"
    I love how Egyptians have the best sense of humour and hospitality top notch.

  3. Every time I watch your food video content, I always get hungry because I get carried away by the atmosphere in your video 😅👍 because food from various countries is different and unique, sometimes we don't know that there is food that is as strange and extreme as in other regions, depending on the culture

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