Aegon & His Sisters Before The Conquest | History Of House Targaryen | House Of The Dragon Lore

Aegon & His Sisters Before The Conquest | History Of House Targaryen | House Of The Dragon Lore
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Given how little we know about House Targaryen prior to Aegon’s conquest it is surprising how much we do infact know about Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys in the youth. From trips across westeros to cities such as Oldtown, to fighting in the daughters wars of Essos, it did seem that for a long time before Aegon looked to Westeros, he and his sisters we getting ready for the conquest to come.

Aegon & His Sisters Before The Conquest | History Of House Targaryen | House Of The Dragon Lore

00:00:00 Three Heads Of The Dragon
00:01:27 Skill At Arms
00:02:13 Trips To Westeros
00:04:17 Sibling Marriages
00:05:31 Century Of Blood
00:08:13 Post Episode Analysis (The Dagger)

The Script Of This Video uses information from The World Of Ice & Fire (2014), Fire & Blood (2018) and The A Song Of Ice And Fire Main Series. The ASOIAF Wiki has been used to confirm order of events and clarify discrepancies between sources. George R.R. Martin’s blog posts have also been used as a source and like the wiki i to do consider this information canon. Any similarity of this video to the structure of these sources is a consequence of the subject matter of the video and limited sources dictating the way in which events played out with no room for interpretation. In some areas it can be very difficult to make the script 100% different as stated in the sources without just making it up which isn’t the point of these videos. There are places it’s more similar to the sources than i like but with no way to really spin it a different way, given in many case, it’s physically the only way to approach the subject. Information strictly from the TV show has not been used in these video unless stated otherwise.

The Dance Of The Dragons will be the focus of the plot of the new HBO spin-off House Of The Dragon coming in 2022. So if you want to learn the story before we see HBO’s take on it then this will be a very long-running series. Game Of Thrones / House of the dragon are HBO shows based on George R R Martin’s A Song Of Ice And Fire series. The information in this video comes from the books a world of ice and fire as well as fire and blood.
The following link is for all the art that I use, if you see an image in this video a link to the source of it will be there, and the name of the artist if it’s possible to find. If you see art in any video that has been attributed incorrectly please send me a email so i can fix it, i feel it is vitally important to credit artists, especially with the rise of Ai Art. Unfortunately mistakes do happen as work gets reposted without credit all the time making narrowing down the original source a challenge.
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About the Author: World Of Westeros


  1. With this new pre-cinquest mini series i wanted to try a slightly new format. In the old Targaryen Lore series that you all know a love it really was strictly the history and lore as told by George R R Martin, and had no influence from my own ideas. views and options. This new format is still all of that, the focus will be the history and lore as told by GRRM, however there i'm experimenting with sort of a post episode segment at the end of the video after the history and lore has been told where i want to add my own thoughts and ideas and analysis why GRRM has written things the way he has and te wider impact of the lore. As well as Analysis i will also be highlighting some popular fan theories during these sections. Each week this new section at the end of the video, will be analysing the specific lore from that video. I could have just presented the lore end of video but a lot of people come here for the analysis as well, and i want ti ensure that i am proving value worthy of your time.

  2. I would have liked the idea of the Valyrian steel Dagger to be of Visenya since those weapons were forged through magic and it was Visenya who practised it.

    Also it will at least add some weightage to Visenya's character since Aegon and Rhaenys are Father & Mother of Dynasty and "Prince that was promised" is from their line but Visenya looks like clearly a third wheel or extra so if that Dagger would be hers then "Why a dragon must have 3 Heads" looks logical otherwise Aegon & Rhaenys looks more useful than hers.

  3. I noticed one thing from books about Visenya that even before conquest she was kind of right hand to Aegon. She and Aegon visited Old Town, Lannisport and even hawked at White Arbor prior to conquest. And it was during these days Aegon also made his wooden table for conquest at Dragonstone.

  4. The century before the Conquest must have been a pretty nervous time for the kingdoms and city states along the Narrow Sea knowing that there's a spooky volcanic island where a slightly loopy incestuous family are breeding weapons of mass destruction

  5. Daeron the Drunken, Daemon II Blackfyre are 100% stone cold Dragon Dreamers. With Daenys the Dreamer and Haelena we know that both Genders can be dreamers and i would summize it is Patralinially passed down while Dragon hatching and riding is matralinially passed down. As the Blacks in the Dance seem to be the one with the more active hatchery. These could both be giga recessive traits thus why the Incest is necessary for all this because even with Ethnic Valarians the genes necessary for Profetic dreams seems to encourage Incest.

  6. Aurion needs his own video.

    Hmm if the dagger actually is Rhaeyns’s then this adds so much weight to the fact that her bloodline with aegon all the way until they’re houses dynasty was destroyed by the mad king.

    It now feels like all this was destined to happen.

  7. It seems probable that if Aegon and his sisters/wives visited Oldtown and Lannisport, the Hightowers and the Lannisters must have asked them for help against the Ironborn. In fact is wouldn't surprise me if every king and lord of Westeros didn't at one time reach out to the Targaryens for help against them as the Ironborn began conquering central Westros and each time, they were refused.

  8. The most interesting element to the overall story are the tantalizing hints that older lost civilizations, wielded the powers of ice and fire, only to be destroyed by it. Perhaps they witnessed the same prophecy or dreams, but were destroyed regardless.

    The pre-first men foundation of the Hightower, the maze makers, and the sea stone chair on Pyke are a few examples. The most concrete evidence is Septon Barth’s claim that the Valyrians learned the means to create dragons and other types of blood magic by uncovering the secrets of some older lost civilization as they dug for precious metals below the fourteen flames.

  9. What is really fascinating about the events following the Doom the Free Cities began to vying for supremacy
    The fact that none of them were able to achieve a significant foothold in Essos likely meant that none of the Free Cities had the military might or political acumen to maintain a large empire
    It is unclear how the Free Cities were governed in the days of the Freehold or if they were administered by the same authority
    Given that the vast majority of dragonlords perished in the Doom we can surmise that the Free Cities had a degree of autonomy under the suzereignty of Valyria as long as they paid tribute
    The Targaryens being described as one of the lesser dragonlords is worth noting given the histories state there being 40 houses of dragonlords
    We do not know the relation of House Targaryen to the other dragonlords whether they were rivals or vassals of the higher nobility we can only speculate
    The isle of Dragonstone is an interesting location as the westernmost outpost of the Freehold it is perfectly situated to control trade throughout the Narrow Sea yet we do not know why House Targaryen settled there or when
    While the isle is perfectly situated on the east coast of Westeros a question arises what value did the isle itself present to Valyria and was the volume and value of trade enough to justify building an outpost in the Blackwater bay?
    Another question that has baffled scholars is why didn't the Freehold conquer Westeros before the Doom? It was known to Valyrians surely a conquest of the continent by the dragonlords would've succeeded the fact that they didn't invade likely meant there was little of value to be had
    Why the did the Targaryens conquer Westeros? By the time of Aegon the conqueror Valyria had been a desolate wasteland for a century and the Free Cities had established themselves as distinct polities and were familiar with the customs of Valyria and could've been able the resist the last dragonlords
    Westeros meanwhile was a fractious backwater in a state of near perpetual warfare yet several large kingdoms were beginning to consolidate their power yet were only vaguely familiar with the might of the Valyrians yet centuries of warfare had made them into powerful kingdoms
    After the conquest Westeros became more prominent in the wider world yet even without the Targaryens the Seven Kingdoms could've become powerful states in their own right
    Nevertheless the Targaryens owe their rise to power to the Doom

  10. I've long said that the Valyrian dagger and the prophecy both belonged to Rhaenys Targaryen and not Aegon's.
    I'm not saying that it's 100% definitely my theory, but I absolutely haven't seen it anywhere until I first posted it back in 2022.

  11. No there was daeron the drunken and aerion bright flame both had dragon dreams whoch where correct and the male blackfyres as well. Only there interpretation was wrong. I think due to them being so far removed from the timeline of valyria they were not able to accurately predict there dreams like danys.

  12. I don't think Rhaenys was the baby sister of Aegon and Visenya. Pretty sure she was a daughter. And she was deeply unhappy. I wonder who the Envoy sent to Storms End really was. Most likely a close relation to the Targaryen's, if not the 4th Sibling. But Aegon's 'desire' for Rhaenys was a desire to not ever let her go. The way all of this is written is so clever. But Aegon was a PigMonster as were the Baratheons.

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