Bizarre Ear Wax Discovery! What Is This ! 😱👂 EP1118

Bizarre Ear Wax Discovery! What Is This ! 😱👂  EP1118
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Bizarre Ear Wax Discovery! What Is This?! 😱👂- EP1118

This strange ear blockage had us completely baffled! 😵‍💫👂 What looked like a deep, compacted wax plug turned out to be something entirely different. As we pulled, we found fibers, dust, and even different colors mixed in! Could it be from earplugs? Dust buildup? Something else? Let us know what you think in the comments! If you love oddly satisfying ear wax removals and bizarre discoveries, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share for more! 🔥
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#EarWaxRemoval #BizarreDiscovery #Satisfying #OddlySatisfying #Audiologist #Microsuction #EarCleaning #WeirdFind

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00:00 Introduction and Overview
00:07 First Ear Canal Cleaning
00:31 Challenges and Techniques
02:11 Patient’s Experience and Advice
03:12 Second Ear Canal Cleaning
09:29 Unexpected Findings
14:07 Conclusion and Farewell


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About the Author: Audiology Associates UK


  1. 8:37 absolutely LOSING MY MIND here w y’all talking abt this movie. i thought it was just some kind of fever dream, whenever i tried to talk to my parents abt it they looked at me like i was crazy. but NO. the movie EXISTS. so exciting

  2. Could it still be cotton fibers? I don’t know if you have cotton balls over there but since you have cotton buds, I would assume that you could. I know that when I put oil in my ears, I pull apart a cotton ball and it it over my ear so that the oil doesn’t come out right away. I don’t shove it all the way down but I think some fibers may fall off. Over time and depending on the ear condition, the color could change.

  3. How much school do I need to be able to do this job? I want to make a midlife career change. I feel like this must be the most satisfying job ever. I feel sympathetic ear relief every time I watch these videos.

  4. Funny, when you asked what foods you guys need to ruin for us, I started thinking 'you know what, I really hope you ruin chocolate for me, that could really help me out!' Then Taylor told Rhys not to ruin chocolate, lol. 😂😂

  5. How do you know if you need to go get a wax removal? Will there always be some sort of hearing loss? I have found I have very itchy ears just over the past few months, do you think it's wax?

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