Birds love their owners and sometimes they need to be clipped for their own safety they are innocent and beautiful friends that will love you unconditionally. Just like you didnt choose to be born they didnt either but at the least you can help them have a happy life. I have 3 birds and they love me and my wife to death
يعني اي اتنيح؟
يعني اي اتنيح؟
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
People hating the feathers of birds to be cut.. This is for you! People cut feathers of birds to train them. After full training and affection it allows the bird to recognize human as there owner specially for those bird whi is fully grown or who had trauma. Thank you❤
Love is ending❤.'
Yall i had a paretkeet (idk how to spell it) and i absolutely adored her! We let her fly around in my house, one day my parents opened the door and left it open to take out the trash, she flew out the door and i havent seen her since. Now we got another bird and we clip her wings but not like this, we still cut it enough that she can fly but cant get far far. I think it depends on how much you clip a birds wing because it sometime can he abusive but it can also be helpful in some cases. It really depends
whats the point of buying a flying pet if you dont want em to fly? if you want a bird get a chicken.
Bird dad here with 3 kiddos…you shouldn't clip all their feathers. The first two primary flight feathers should be kept. You want them to fly, but you dont want them to fly fast and erratic in a way that they could accidentally get hurt. My birdies can fly comfortably in my apartment and are happy little balls of joy.
that’s straight up cruel.
Ppl don’t know how to use >< and it shows
oh my god what the fuck is wrong with people this is so cruel
What are u doing ; Are u serious now;
Cutting them is really a thing?! 😢🙁
Me after seeing the 1-2nd vid: *THAT FKN MAN WHY THE FK DID HE DO THAT-*👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
I understand why pet stores do it, but owners should never do it unless theres a good reason to, like the bird keeps flying into things and getting hurt. I had several budgies as a kid, my first one I had as a young child died because it flew into the wall and broke its neck. So yes there are sometimes reasons to clip a birds wings, but if you have to do it, you have to be extremely careful, because you can clip too much and the feathers wont grow back… That happened to my sister's peach front conure. When my older sister was in high school, she saved up money and bought a peach front conure from Petco… Well, Petco had trimmed its wings too much and it could never fly, the most it could do was flap its wings enough to be able to safely go from its cage to the floor if it wanted to. Now ive been calling it for a reason, because I didnt want spoil the next part of the story that showcases Petcos stupidity. When my sister bought the bird, Petco had already given it the name connor and said it was a male, yeah well connor laid eggs.
If they cut off the wings I dnt think it'll grow back
Get a hamster
You DO NOT KNOW how to clip bird wings!!!!!!
Yo tengo loros y son felices tienen muchos premio juguetes y más los alimento y cuido cada fin de semana los saco de la jaula para que vuelen y no les corto las alas aquí los que están contra el maltrato animal
Do not cut the wings
Садисты как можно мучать такиз прекрасных созданий ?
Makes me so angry🤬 dont take the birds flying away disgusting
People should not cut there feathers for no reason. They can only cut it for health issues. It makes me sad when I see a perfectly fine parrot with cutted wings..
Als ich die Schere sah, ist mir gleich schlecht geworden, das hinschauen alleine, tat mir weh.
Is this what clipping the wings is? That's awful. I don't like when people dock their dogs either.
Noooo not it’s wings😮😮😮😢😢😢
I have one female parrot. She cannot fly high So, I am teaching her to do so! She is a bird and she is destined to fly! Stop cutting bird's wings!!!!!!!
Thank you guys for 400K subs 🖤
Birds love their owners and sometimes they need to be clipped for their own safety they are innocent and beautiful friends that will love you unconditionally. Just like you didnt choose to be born they didnt either but at the least you can help them have a happy life. I have 3 birds and they love me and my wife to death
يعني اي اتنيح؟
يعني اي اتنيح؟
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
People hating the feathers of birds to be cut.. This is for you!
People cut feathers of birds to train them. After full training and affection it allows the bird to recognize human as there owner specially for those bird whi is fully grown or who had trauma.
Thank you❤
Love is ending❤.'
Yall i had a paretkeet (idk how to spell it) and i absolutely adored her! We let her fly around in my house, one day my parents opened the door and left it open to take out the trash, she flew out the door and i havent seen her since. Now we got another bird and we clip her wings but not like this, we still cut it enough that she can fly but cant get far far. I think it depends on how much you clip a birds wing because it sometime can he abusive but it can also be helpful in some cases. It really depends
whats the point of buying a flying pet if you dont want em to fly? if you want a bird get a chicken.
Bird dad here with 3 kiddos…you shouldn't clip all their feathers. The first two primary flight feathers should be kept. You want them to fly, but you dont want them to fly fast and erratic in a way that they could accidentally get hurt. My birdies can fly comfortably in my apartment and are happy little balls of joy.
that’s straight up cruel.
Ppl don’t know how to use >< and it shows
oh my god what the fuck is wrong with people this is so cruel
What are u doing ; Are u serious now;
Cutting them is really a thing?! 😢🙁
Me after seeing the 1-2nd vid:
*THAT FKN MAN WHY THE FK DID HE DO THAT-*👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
I understand why pet stores do it, but owners should never do it unless theres a good reason to, like the bird keeps flying into things and getting hurt. I had several budgies as a kid, my first one I had as a young child died because it flew into the wall and broke its neck. So yes there are sometimes reasons to clip a birds wings, but if you have to do it, you have to be extremely careful, because you can clip too much and the feathers wont grow back… That happened to my sister's peach front conure. When my older sister was in high school, she saved up money and bought a peach front conure from Petco… Well, Petco had trimmed its wings too much and it could never fly, the most it could do was flap its wings enough to be able to safely go from its cage to the floor if it wanted to. Now ive been calling it for a reason, because I didnt want spoil the next part of the story that showcases Petcos stupidity. When my sister bought the bird, Petco had already given it the name connor and said it was a male, yeah well connor laid eggs.
If they cut off the wings I dnt think it'll grow back
Get a hamster
You DO NOT KNOW how to clip bird wings!!!!!!
Yo tengo loros y son felices tienen muchos premio juguetes y más los alimento y cuido cada fin de semana los saco de la jaula para que vuelen y no les corto las alas aquí los que están contra el maltrato animal
Do not cut the wings
Садисты как можно мучать такиз прекрасных созданий ?
Makes me so angry🤬 dont take the birds flying away disgusting
People should not cut there feathers for no reason. They can only cut it for health issues. It makes me sad when I see a perfectly fine parrot with cutted wings..
Als ich die Schere sah, ist mir gleich schlecht geworden, das hinschauen alleine, tat mir weh.
Is this what clipping the wings is? That's awful.
I don't like when people dock their dogs either.
Noooo not it’s wings😮😮😮😢😢😢
I have one female parrot. She cannot fly high So, I am teaching her to do so! She is a bird and she is destined to fly! Stop cutting bird's wings!!!!!!!
No le cortes las alas🥺🥺🥺🥺