Welcome back kittens! Today we are going to take a look at Scary Videos Of Shadow People Caught On Camera! Shadow people are defined as supernatural shadow-like humanoid figures that are believed to be evil and aggressive in nature, although a few people consider them to be a form of guardian angel. Have you ever encountered a shadow person before? Let me know your experiences in the comments!
#shadowpeople #ghost #paranormal #haunted #poltergeist #scary #smallyoutuber #horrorstories #scared #ghosthunting #ghostlyencounters #scaredofthedark #caughtoncamera #caughtontape #paranormalactivity #paranormalinvestigation #paranormalstories #mysterious #realghost #apparition #unknown #dark #ghosts #ghoststory
Main Intro and Outro Music Credit:
Darkest Child by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com
Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/darkest-child
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/NDJ7uBPVcH8
– Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
– Additional Music from https://www.zapsplat.com
That last one is so intentionally right in her face. Some almost seem like they're hiding, but that one really wanted to mess with her.
Are you related to nuke top five
Brav y gotta start puttin in on the rent if you’re gonna live here fr like help me win the lotto or something
That first video the camera holder gave his buddy time enough to sneak out of frame before the light switch was flipped. I used to believe in the paranormal but thanks to YouTube I know now it's completely fake.
they dont like to be seen they love a dark room they like to creep up on you when your not looking when your back is turn..
shut up
I’ve seen 6 shadow figures two in my face jumped out of my skin the first time as he was full body standing looking straight at me as I went to switched the downstairs I switched the upstairs one of just before I switched downstairs on I curst U stupid f-ing runt c” thinking it was a mate but it was gone as the light went on then I seen a woman in the doorway of my bathroom and she backed up 3 others were glimpses and the last one was just last night 4th 7/2024 pepping around the bedroom door way an I was looking straight at it part head and shoulders huffers I’m calling them out saying I’m not scared the thing is this has only been the last year and before that I had nice orbs with a pleasant feeling about them . I want to get one on film and I will soon @paddylove71 great content kitty I’ll subscribe and survive I think that their more scared as they go so quick
Shadow people are dead souls who want to be released into the light from the darkness in which they are imprisoned,and they are unable to escape. They're people alive who are capable of performing specific rituals to release imprisoned souls from the darkness of blackness. There's a darkness that is more obscure than the night itself. The prison of the darkness of blackness is spoken of in the Book of Jude in the Bible !
Fake news!!
1:41 you can see a persons feet.
more than shadow people…are SHY PEOPLE …they all are peeping, running away from camera, hiding around the doors. why so shy….. shydow people ?
Everyones first guess seems always to be that they are demons or some kind of negative spirit but I have a theory. These things are a relatively new phenomenon. We never really heard about them 20-30 years ago so why is that? What if these are actual humans who have used new technology to either cross dimensions or something like that. Think of CERN. What if evil people are looking at us from the shadows via this new technology? Just a thought
Ive seen once
Why would a shadow person peer around a corner? The first story is a poltergeist! When have you ever known a shadow person to open drawers etc. Are you another content creator who likes to pass off fakes as real encounters?
ngl at 6:00 i just would’ve said we go jump da shadow 🤷🏾♂️
JB needs to grow a set, quit being a wus and check out wth is in his house
Shadow people like scp 280
Shadow ppl are in between entities that feed off negative emotions and fear… their the rejected of the spirit realm
All I see is black screen but I have great eyes so I can only see the demon but not the other stuff
No wonder how fake this is but how frightening the video is…
Rest in peace from the guy from channel signs and signals
Why all the whispering? Who is scaring who?
Dino nuggets is a fraud
JB's videos are fake. The reason I think that is because he sent his kid down first in front of himself. Who would do that? Either that or he's a HORRIBLE PARENT.
A friend of mine and I were walking down the street late at night as we walked in front of
A church . I was telling him a story and I noticed he kept staring at something near the entrance of the church . I quickly glanced to see what he was looking at and I saw a shadow man with a hat on leaning on a tree with his arms crossed. The shadow man looked like he was trying to mean mug us but he just stood there without moving . I got ballsy and screamed “AYE!” to see if it was a man but as soon as I said that, the light near the entrance of the church started flickering on and off like some of the vids on here. The shadow man stayed in that same position with the lights turning on and off in the background. My friend and I walked so fast out of there lol. Those things are real! I do believe they are demons. Evil spirits of the deceased perhaps …
Tjere is no need whispering. They feel your frequency. Just saying
Get a grip dad.
Propoganda is preferred to factual..
Probably fake. No one would lock themselves with that entity and moaning even at its apparition. Most people should haul ass at this point.
Love your name! It gave me a good chuckle. But I’ve seen shadow people and some stuff in my life paranormal wise so much I don’t get scared anymore of it. When I do I just brush it off and let them do their thing sense I’ve not been scared anymore though it’s almost stopped. But imma sub to your channel!
Is that guy “JB” or Dyno nuggets real name Benjamin Raynor from Wilson NC ? Dang he sure looks like a dude I used to party with quite a lot.
Not buying it. If you've ever had a true experience, you know.
6:08 idk their reactions seem a bit off. Maybe it’s me. But a father flipping out like that would send the son into a panic
i saw a dark shadowperson last night walking on the right from me.. those things creep me the fk out as usual.
sometimes i would use some spirit app to see the hell the message is. those things are not bs and not made up
These shadow beings are ballsy. They want you to see them that’s why they stand there or peek their head out. I mean really what’s the purpose of sticking your head out other than to scare you. What would like to know is why hasn’t someone thrown something at it to see if it goes through it.
I don't believe half of these encounters simply because they all miraculously all have a camera present during all the encounters lol it just don't make sense. and they seem to catch exactly wat they are looking for lol , life does not work that way. most people would call 911 or just run and then have a story to tell. but nope not these ppl they are camera ready and braver than ever. also acting seems to be on point to lol they all need to be auditioning for movies because ya they r good
bro the only thing I can't handle about all of these is that everyone seems to always have there phone present , whenever I see or hear something creepy I don't go straight to filming , thats why I can't take these serious. I think they are staged because how tf is youre first reaction to grab a phone to film ? my reaction would be to call the police because there is no way I would know what im dealing with? could be a home invasion could be something worse. but nope these people are built different I guess