Drone video captures the damage after a powerful tornado ripped through Tylertown, Mississippi on Saturday.
Drone video captures the damage after a powerful tornado ripped through Tylertown, Mississippi on Saturday.
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Prayer's from Clearwater Florida..
Another sundown town
The thing is this line of storms was predicted at least a week before ,i know it wont stop the damage and hurt but maybe it saved lives ,and just remember this is just the beginning, so always be vigilant and be safe
Where is Tylertown, MS in relation to Hattiesburg, MS ??
Alles aus hlotz ….kein Wunder
Prayers to the families of Tylertown Miss.
The animals 😭😭🥺🥺😔😔🙏🙏🙏 so many must be hurt, lost or died 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏😢😢😢
Watched the tornadoes on this town on radar, my heart dropped when it showed a cloud of debris in the sky.
I’m not the best with words, but if anyone is reading this who was affected by this storm:❤❤❤
Guys…. Speing isn’t officially here. I hope this isn’t foreshadowing of how this year will go with natural disasters
У вас почти нет лесов, это очень плохо ! Лес – это жизнь!
Сочувствую всем пострадавшим ,очень тяжело остаться без всего .. Я думаю, нужно больше садить деревьев , для того, чтобы они удерживали своими корнями почау, и задерживали
We all need to be sending prayers to the families of these victims 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
sending prayers…. You'd think that we could stop building our houses out of straw… didn't the three little pigs teach us anything? It's shame that life saving measures and protection are so dang expensive.
Messing with mother nature is a very bad idea
Pray for them all and don't blame God keep your faith in him and he will provide
Father heal them and comfort give them strength for the Family's that Lost their homes in the name of Jesus Amen and protect the workers that doing the work
No one should have died in these storms all they had to do was used their phones gone to YouTube 7 platforms and storm chasers have live videos chasing those storms I watched 2 Max velocity and Ryan Hall ya'll were live for 2 days to warn us about these storms.
We need to push for tornado built buildings in the south fr
God is powerful and dangerous.
Their sins must have been catastrophic!
Jesus Christ bless you and your family's