Massive 7.3 M EARTHQUAKE! Japan’s Biggest Earthquake Caught On Camera 2025
Witness the raw power of nature as a devastating 7.3 magnitude earthquake strikes Japan, captured in rare and gripping footage. This video takes you through the heart of the chaos—buildings shaking, debris flying, and people scrambling for safety. But amidst the destruction, see the incredible resilience and bravery of the Japanese people as they come together to help one another. From the terrifying moments of the quake to the inspiring acts of human kindness, this footage is a powerful reminder of both the fragility and strength of life. Don’t miss this intense and emotional journey. Like, comment, and share your thoughts below. Stay safe and prepared! 🌍💔
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Ini Manusia
Moh itu baru…ye kan..
Mana bisa di tangkap 😂😂😂😂
Sinless 😂
Stay safe Japan
Earthquake 7.3
Oh my GOD….scary …hope no death
My friend is live today from Japan she never mentioned about earthquake
No entiendo porqué exhibir a si a úna bb con tanto pedo filo que hay ..
Prayers for my Japanese friends and their families!
Definitely not Japan's biggest, but absolutely terrifying all the same.
Feke golpe
I told you Japan you're going down one way or another because of what you did to the Chinese people in the 1930s China and Russia are still under my protection I ran to I don't know what North Korea is doing Raymond Paul Sullivan III me myself and I and him RPS 111 me and Ray and the creator of still working take a break God March 2025
"землетрясение магнитудой 7,3 метра"! Да вы что такое тут понаписали?
Este video es antiguo, que cierren este canal por mentirosos
Dijaman kuno negara jepang ini perna jajah-perang suku dayak sampit dll dikalimantan ya..laa jadi saya kasih peringatan saja bagi orang negara jepang dll sampai luar negeri jangan suka jajah-perang indonesia lagi kalau kepengen selamat hidupmu diplanet bumi ini ya.klau masih menjajah perang lagi di indonesia entar saya munculin bencana terus-terusan disana lagi ya.salam otak waras saja bagi orang luar negeri dalam hari-hari ini.salam mantan pasukan tentara denharin jaman kuno blok asia indonesia.terima kasih👽👹👿☠💀☠💀😡😡🙏👆👍👌👏💖🇮🇩
Sex extreme ini lama kelamaan akan mengikis rezeki kita dari hari ke hari kerana itulah setiap harta yang kita cari jodoh kan Kita salah guna hubungan seks itu maka apa yang kita ada akan berakhir dengan kehancuran dalam kehidupan kita melalui harta benda yang kita kumpul selama ini itu semua akan terhakis kerana rezeki kita itu tidak bisa kita miliki kerana melanggar peraturan dalam menjalani kehidupan yang seharusnya nya kita syukuri, tetapi kerana manusia tidak mahu bertaubat walaupun kesempatan itu terlalu lama di berikan namun mereka lebih penting kan diri sendiri dari bersyukur apa yang mereka nikmati selama ini.
Jepun ini selalu ada gempa bumi kerana terlalu banyak perzinaan atau sex extreme yang mengundang energi negetif kerana gempa bumi ini ada kaitan dengan aktiviti manusia terlalu banyak aktiviti sex atau zina maka lama kelamaan negara mereka akan lenyap dari muka bumi ini sekiranya mereka atau kerajaan tidak mengubah kehidupan atau moral yang sudah terlalu jauh dari kehidupan manusia yang sebenarnya.rasa gempa bumi ini seperti kita klimaks dalam hubungan seks begitu juga gempa bumi ada hubungan zina yang tidak di sukai oleh Allah.
Healing prayers for everyone whos affective in this earthquake. ❤❤
Im so very sorry that this happened again to Japan…
Please check on elderly n pets n strays ❤❤
Many blessings to all in japan ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Спаси нас господи .это очень страшно
Why you posting downtown Manhattan while talking nonsense about Japan you degenerate????
Pls mention the date of quake
May God bless You and keep You safe!🙏🤗❤
This is dishonest. Dates are missing.
Poor animals, must be so scared 😢
The power of nature is scary 😨 be careful
There hasn't been an earthquake in Japan in the in the past 2 months!? I think your Title should be "Any Earthquake in the Past 5 Years probably Everything You See – -just made in our studio!"
This is an old film
when was this happened?
Outro 😦?
Did this happen on the 19th 2025 March ????
is this old video ?
Just awful I hope all survived?
When did this 1 happen?
I also hope the people in Italy see this and Evacuate before it's too late.
Stay safe all new sub from the UK .x
Crean que hay un Dios y veran su misericordia busquenle ahora que hay tiempo y vida solo en su Nombre hay perdon,salvacion y vida eterna Hechos 4:11-12
Angry Gods…Lol…
Since when is Japan located in the NYC World Trade Center collapse
I pray for the people's safety.
I'm so sorry that they have to experience this.
Click bait. No earth quake today.
God help those poor people.
bring this earth with all materials that human man has invented and produce too ! much of vanity to inexistent
I live on the San Andreas fault and I still can’t begin to imagine how the people of Japan deal with this all the time. My thoughts and prayers are with them. May God bless and protect you. 🫶🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵
When was the earthquake
This channel is always posting old stuff. Boo.
It was in 2024 January
Prayers for Japan!! Edgar Cayce said that one day Japan would fall into the sea!!! 😮😮
Here, there and everywhere. Globally.
Old video fuck!