Abandoned Dog Can’t Take His Eyes Off the Road, Waiting for Owner to Return – Takis Shelter

Abandoned Dog Can't Take His Eyes Off the Road, Waiting for Owner to Return - Takis Shelter
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No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter

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  1. People can be so pathetic! Thank you Takis and team for making a difference in this world for God's creatures. Your the true Heros in this world ❤️🇺🇲🙏

  2. Hello

    If you don't mind, why did you not just untie him after a minute or so of the video? ..for next 2 minutes you were repeating the same about being abandoned . I would like to see him bring taken to shelter and how he is getting on… till the end you did not untie him..😪within the first few seconds, it's obvious he was abandoned . We don't need a 3.32 minutes video repeating the same information. I write this from my concern for the little boy.
    How is he now? Thank you

  3. I have a rude opinion about this kind of "people"😡🤬😡😡who abandoned this poor soul, but it is better if I stay in silence 🤐 because this actions makes me so angry 💢😡 but my opinion about this kind of miserable "people" it isn't good at all

  4. I hope the owners of this beautiful precious furry baby suffer for this wicked thing they have done to him please tell us is he OK does he have a new owner and a safe loving home god bless you sir for saving him thank goodness for people like you I wish our world was full of you ❤❤xxxxc

  5. Just take him and stop waffling he's scared poor thing love him there doing this slot once gland hate these humans , my daughter has two dogs and I found a thirteen year old dog she is blind dumped in streets anything could have happened to her my daughter and her husband adopted her she is a vet nurse, I wish I had money to rescue all animals I love ve them all, thankyou to all those who care love and appreciate all animals for the goodness love they give and deserve back well done

  6. Deplorable.
    When I was a volunteer ranger, my dog, Linton, who looked like a wolf, forded the beck and went into Nan Whin's wood. I followed. A little terrier dog, tied by a slip knot to a sapling, sat barking at us. A beautiful dog, in fine condition with a nice collar and lead.
    I called the RSPCA inspector: "I'm catching a snake in Denby Dale,'' he said. "Can you deal with it?"
    I did. But his owner was never traced. So, I adopted him and called him Beamsley.
    He and Linton became the best of friends.
    Linton died 4 years later. Beamsley lived another 6 years and had a good life: he danced on Newark beach, in Sandy Island, Orkney; he swam in Grasmere Lake; and he led me on a moonlit walk from Whitby to Robin Hoods Bay.
    Was he the fortunate one? We both were.
    I buried him in a cove of the river Wharfe, near Ilkley. One of his most favoured places.

  7. People who do this should be prose utrd and band from owning any animals someone must know who did this if I saw this I would shop them and plaster their picture everywhere, rescue him he's crying please

  8. What pure evil monsters pray you get so much bad karma🤬Thankyou for saving this angel bless you 🙏🙏🙏🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  9. Certo che anche le istituzioni del tuo paese dovrebbero iniziare a prendere provvedimenti cominciando nel fare indagini e denunciare queste situazioni
    Hai perfettamente ragione è necessario quanto prima una polizia specifica per gli animali…
    In Italia abbiamo le guardie zoofile…e una serie di leggi e regolamenti severi

  10. It’s outrageous, the cruelty it just never end 😢

    May the culprit who abandoned this beautiful dog, gets treated in life the same way.

  11. Die deutsche Übersetzung ist schlimm.., sie stimmt teilweise har nicht…ich konnte Takis so gut verstehen, weil er sehr gut Englisch spricht, BITTE keine KI
    Übersetzung, Danke ❤

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