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#FailArmy #Fails
8:42 I feel sad for that innocent aussie boy who heard a grown up saying a swear word.🙁
"Are you proud of your puzzle, Mom?"
Mom next day, "Your father died in his sleep last night."
Sorry I meant shoe….😁😼
Loved it, being born and lived for nearly 60 years in Australia most of us of my generation have had the absolute pleasure of finding a bloody ginormous spider in our show 😁😼
Well done. These idiots are the leaders of tomorrow. We should all be afraid. Very afraid.
i was riding my bmx in a recreation park and this 6foot+ roo was humping a joey and it was watching me ,the joey wasnt liking itthat same day i ran over a brown snake on my bmx coming out of a corner im lucky it didnt bite me, its a pretty nice recreation park and its fun riding around but i see a fair few brown snakes .
The! Damn!! Spiders!!!
I'm an Australian
Don't tell me that they didn't know that bird was in the tree waiting for prey. Cruel swines.
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!
Der, der, der!
2:51 concussion for sure; I hope this kid got taken to hospital for a check-up..
02:58 this one hurts everytime because she keeps saying it will fall off, guess who did the puzzle? Hint it was not him.
It doesn't get more Aussie than a burnout at Bunnings.
Kangaroo can totally go through your windshield and kick you to death.
Mostly a night, evening and morning issue though. Mostly safe during the day.
At night stay below 80 kph on bitumen and 50 on dirt
What’s with the censoring now?
This isn’t YouTube for kids.
As an Aussie, harden the fuck up!
Kangaroo hassles english woman thumping glass door , dingo chomps english mans hand , were not for english people
No remorse for people who feel the pain after petting a wild animal.
Aussie's are just built different
4:50 every election… thankfully votes don't matter
This video brought back so many wonderful memories for me, thank you to the creators.! 😅😊😊☺😆😄😀
8:19 Just a harmless little freshie …
So funny 😂
Swimming with crocodiles, that was a baby and they laugh. Look out for mum and dad.
People can be hilarious, bt them little spiders then big mama, i wet myself
omg yet another commercial about, i can't say it lol… the video game. I can't even try to play video even tho this machine was built designed for games. I feel so ripped off for spending the money on a gaming rig, just to see woke commercials. 3 in a row is not good!
ya the blood was just pouring out! I have the utmost pity for you sticking your hand where it doesn't belong. How woke can you get, plz advise if i used the wrong term…could have said stupid!
was that like a crab @ 1min mark? oh i guess it was cock roaches?
good job
Lil boy swearing was funny
Not to worry.. Americans still hold the title of being the dumbest people on the planet….
Ozzy car wash?
0:40 Where's the footage of the kangaroo riding shotgun?
Dont fear, everyone else. Even australians hate spiders in shoes.
Foxes are not dogs 😂
Glad to see that the United States doesn't have a lock on dumb.
1:30 Karen, you can't park there!
Boomer cranky old man says. Has the world not learned yet, that we do EVERYTHING better. Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy
Kangaroos are nasty little buggers
That fuckin spider was huge. Omg 🫣
1:31 And OF COURSE she is asian…..
6:15 yo that legitemately made me jump a little XD
I'm Aussie and we are tripping to trust me 😮