Haunting Videos That Will Keep You Up at Night

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From a haunting video that might show a ghost caught on camera in a museum to creepy footage of Elon Musk during President Trump’s inauguration, these haunting videos will keep you up at night. #Haunting #ElonMusk #SlappedHam
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OUR MOST POPULAR TOP 10 VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G-vFvUbO-M&list=PLz9EdJARh8zmkOZpbO-ToDyprjx9AQ4Wd&index=1

10. Would you go in this museum alone!?.. https://www.tiktok.com/@jakeghosthunter/video/7348988584088702239
9. We Had to Run For Our LIVES (Ghost Hunting GONE WRONG) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_L6tIm7GUg
8. What is happening with him?… https://www.tiktok.com/@sleepwithhorror/video/7462279416668884256
Stimming?.. https://www.tiktok.com/@hollyweirdtea/video/7462251068110490926
7. Caught on Camera at Basin Park Hotel https://www.reddit.com/r/SlappedHam/comments/1iyev01/caught_on_camera_at_basin_park_hotel/
6. Cloud Walkers Astonishing Moments Caught on Camera!(Must See)… https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2585584668304029
5. Real demon caught on Camera… https://www.tiktok.com/@scaryvideos786/video/7400612251318717738
4. So this just happrned at work today! What was it? https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1ioxjma/so_this_just_happrned_at_work_today_what_was_it/
3. My dog is playing with someone/something https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1iz74b3/my_dog_is_playing_with_someonesomething/
2. Half body apparition of priest in old cemetery? https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1ikb47s/half_body_apparition_of_priest_in_old_cemetery/
1. Possible ghost image of a man in a hat in Concordia Cemetery. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/1iso6jn/possible_ghost_image_of_a_man_in_a_hat_in/

By Lennon Hutton

It Lurks Below
By Trailer Worx

Abandoned Wires
By Hawea

The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/


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About the Author: Slapped Ham


  1. In my opinion Musk was probably doing those head moves to keep himself awake. I can just picture a comic book bubble above his head saying "2 more hours.. just 2 more hours! Then I can get the hell out of here and back to my rocketships! I cannot fall asleep on national T.v.!! C'mon! I got this…stay awake! Stay awake!"

  2. No mystery about Elon Musk. Once again, he did too much ketamine. (It’s not been confirmed that he’s on the spectrum yet people oddly continue to push that conspiracy.)

  3. Look at the small dog’s behavior in the lower right hand part of the video as the little girl points to the figure. Does it seem that the dog sees it too and leaves cause it is uncomfortable with whatever it sees?

  4. Elon is rolling his head while looking up. I do this. It relieves stiff neck muscles. It also stretches front neck fascia.

  5. I've been saying it for a little while now about Elon the demon !! That was legit manifestation right there. I've encountered that and similar in a few people over the years. I don't believe Elon is even human anymore, if he ever was.

  6. Umm. Dumb. Amado ed houses are purposely trashed out like that for “trapping” if a crackhead showed up it would take a week to clean up and find the stash, back to first clip, this is a layover, i worked a facility as security that had 4-12 cameras per room, when overlayed looks like a ghost, and yes, even though that over al’ed Elon repeat would bot matter as he is on the spectrum. This video is trash

  7. A bottle of lotion shaking by itself for more than ten seconds in front of me, 11 o’clock at night on top of the bar table in my house, I should‘ve filmed it😂

  8. Elon Musk is clearly stimming. Two of my brothers and my nephew have the type of adhd I think Elon Musk has, and they are on the autism scale, results are hyperfixation in areas of interest and higher than average intelligence. This makes them very good at some things, but easily restless, (that's where the stimming come in.) and also gives them some problems socially thanks to f.ex blunt honesty and aforementioned restlessness.

  9. On Musk..
    Yes stimming is a good explanation.
    It's hard for him to sit that through. So he does these weird head and eye movements to keep calm himseld and to get him through the long boring 'sit'.
    There's plenty people who have a hard time to go through situations that are boring to them.
    Most don not behave like Musk, they just put on a mask as if they are in the moment, when in fact they dream away about other stuff.

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