Join me on a chilling tour of Highgate Cemetery, the legendary resting place of the famous dead… but are they really at rest? While filming this eerie exploration, we unexpectedly captured what appears to be a real ghost on camera—and the footage is shockingly clear! Could this be proof of the paranormal? Watch closely and decide for yourself. 👻
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#GhostCaughtOnCamera #HighgateCemetery #RealGhost #ParanormalEvidence #HauntedPlaces
The views expressed in this program are opinions. The content here is for entertainment purposes only. Hero’s Theme by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Source: http://www.twinmusicom.org/song/280/heros-theme Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org
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Nope reflection ..
Interesting image 🤔 should send Beardo gets scared the original footage and he should be able to find an explanation.
Eerie spooky place no place to be after dark
I should imagine that Lucifer is currently inserting a pineapple into Karl Marx's rectum… sideways. Which is why you won't see his ghost
Not a ghost its a man in a brown coat wearing sunglasses carrying a small dog!
Might be Keith Richard's? 😅
Did you see anyone else while you were recording there?
If not, this could be a genuine case of a ghost caught on camera.
Wow that's a hit awesome hit, a story he's trying to tell us, why bother appearing unless he's something to say why i think it's deliberate. A man bundled up in heavy jacket, gloves, cap to suit his weather. First i thot in uniform, a soldier, upon further inspection slowing down w my speed he’s either hunting birds or grounds keeper wearing a scally type cap that shades his eyes, for sure he's carrying something over his left shoulder, a hunting gun, gardening tools or heavy sack, u can actually see him turn to look behind, purposely in our direction while keeping up a fast pace. So interesting Craig, my first finding your channel, bring us more. I love sleuthing. Ty from Boston, MA. 🍀🇺🇸
Just reflection of random bloke to me
It looks like a woman with sunglasses on and a handbag over her shoulder
Btw that def is an awesome cemetery, have not seen one that could compare here in USA, thank you for brief tour.
Hello Craig & thank you for all your postings..the figure that appeared on said tombstone resembled a dark-haired woman perhaps wearing a jacket or coat (that looked to me not to be vintage but more 60s or so.) Shè was wearing sunglasses & did seem to be looking in your direction. Agree w/comment it could have been shadow of someone walking behind you (in real time.)
Gosh! People have way too much imagination. It's obviously just a reflection of someone wearing sunglasses, walking by, reflected in the shiny granite, glancing back at the bizarrely dressed little girl posing in front of a gravestone!
The death mask grave of Bruce Reynolds the mastermind behind the great train robbery.
The shot with Willow (grand daughter) it’s just a reflection of a woman passing by! The stone, probably marble, is polished! This is just a reflection… my apologies but I’m a little bit disappointed that it isn’t that obvious for you…
A reflection of someone walking along. Not that difficult to work out.
Yes, it looks like he's got sun glasses on. I originally thought that it was someone who was there with you, and was standing opposite
Sorry a monk wouldn't wear sunglasses
I am a paranormal investigator. That was a person walking by a grave that is reflecting off of it. It, of COURSE will be distorted. You can see the brown coat they are wearing as well as their sunglasses. Sorry. NOT a ghost.
Looks like someone's reflection walking past to me.
It looks like a man in an old-style brown coat, maybe with a pipe. Could well be paranormal, but hard to say without being able to see what could've been in front of it to cause a reflection.
It was a reflection of a lady walking by in a coat with sunglasses on??
I watched all that thinking I was going to see a ghost!?
Looks to me it's a reflection woman with sunglasses on but only my opinion i do believe in ghost
A reflection of a tourist in dark gasses, nothing more!!!
I saw George Michael there one night! He was alive then! 'Ghost' video: A woman walking past holding a baby. Was there anybody walking past? 'Gotta' have faith!
I'm afraid to me it looks very much like a passer by
Can you freeze the footage so we get a longer look. You can take pics from a video nowadays