From creepy footage caught on camera in a possibly haunted house to a scary video that might show a ghost in the snow, we need to talk about this creepy footage shocking the internet. #Creepy #Scary #SlappedHam
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11. Something tried to get in.. https://www.tiktok.com/@darkmooseman/video/7333431912884866350
10. A haunted store in the Philippines has a paranormal experience captured on their security camera https://www.tiktok.com/@oliviatwistmysteries/video/7298985807157792033
9. 9:48p elmo is on my stairs walking up… https://www.tiktok.com/@happyrayness/video/7473709631039114527
8. The Haunted Hotel of Spirits: We Left Cameras Inside… https://youtu.be/MAny32mXJFQ?si=nwK_Ow2h7qZgTqei
7. Mexico is really full of supernatural and paranormal activity… https://www.tiktok.com/@UCTxVCGOw1VQ2h6AtERjzOEw
6. Diomioyquejeso https://www.instagram.com/reel/DE6V5KeuVM7
5. Hello everyone, it’s me again! I just wanted to share something with you all… https://www.facebook.com/groups/slappedhamofficial/permalink/818089257174707/
4. This is actually insane… https://www.tiktok.com/@UCPHKMJbis1c0R7d7WJQ35tA
3. Watching his work with gratitude… https://www.tiktok.com/@sleepwithhorror/video/7274119030850489633
2. Wednesday 29th January 08:10am Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK… https://www.facebook.com/groups/533466928773909/permalink/926848519435746
1. Yay me… https://www.tiktok.com/@miasblissfulllife/video/7387067324563475754
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The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
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#7 shape shifter, can't people just leave old and handicapped people alone?
Elmo definitely staged. I believe the filmed and run backwards thing. Who on earth turns off the light if it's going up? More likely light turned on so person could film it going down stairs then played it backwards.
The first video is very scary 😲
12:55 the child has telekinetic powers. It’s In the wording. The boy is sitting there staring at the fan. The way the fan fell you can tell the child had everything 100 percent under control.
The video with the small figure walking in the street at night was a little person/dwarf…..pretty sure!
I, too, had a strange encounter with an inflatable balloon. It's was a snowman, with accordion tissue paper arms and legs. Went to bed one night, shut the door, and woke up to go to the bathroom, and it was at my door. I thought strange, must be flow of furnace air. Walked it back to the living room. Went pee came out of bathroom and it was in the kitchen. Beyond where I put it and closer to the bathroom. I again thought it was weird. I again grabbed his mitten hand and brought it back to the living room and jokingly said stay. I went to bed, closing the door again. Woke up the next morning with it at my door. From my room, the living room is the first kitchen is second bathroom third. I get the furnace air circulating it, but both ways? In the direction I'm in. It's probably just a coincidence, but I was freaked out for about 3 days.😅
Skeptics seriously need to visit some haunted places lol 😂
I’ve been skeptic of some places but that’s just because I’ve experienced actual activity and lemme tell ya,it takes a lot to impress me
But I don’t go against everything seen,we’ve got our experiences after all
Although, The haunted house Was seriously creepy… The Elmo Balloon thing actually, creeped me out the most of this video….
But, Then I've Always been Creeped Out by Elmo!🤪💞👻
(He's kinda like IF Gonzo has an Evil Half Brother!)
In the 1st that is a proud Methamerican named Methalina
Why be afraid of a balloon when all it takes is a needle and it's overb
The womans eyes are glowing so definitely not human
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Fan clip. Why are they filming in the first place? The kids looking at the fan because he heard the fan was going to fall? "Lets film ourselves eating dinner from 30 ft. away? Nope. Set up.
I can't believe this "ghost hunter" shows are still on t.v. "Al Capone was here for 20 minutes in 1921. His ghost is here." The little hobbler is a duende.
The clip around 11:53, where the apparition ran past the people behind the fence , it also looks like it ranr round them on the left first, or there was another apparition. Also the clip with the security guard around 13:43, how about the shop lifter IS the security guard? I mean, not even the same face and everything , but also the same exac tshirt? It would seem that it's more than coincidental here!
one million thumbs up to your channel, brother or it could be a midget.
The woman in the shop? There could be a warping of the laminate flooring she sweeps? Laminate flooring can expand & contract. If not given enough room to expand. It can bow? Which may have caused the chair to move…
Elmo would be dragged outside behind the wood shed. 2 rounds of buckshot and thrown in the burn barrel.
8:05 is one of the space X rockets that blew up
He may have Heard something and watched as the fan was about to fall
@ 14:40 – how do we know that guy isn't just watching a recording of himself!?
The kid watching the fan drop was heaps better.
The ‘UFO’ one is nothing mysterious. It’s just parts of one of Musk’s garbage exploding rockets burning up as they fall through the atmosphere.
Ok the shapeshifter is British comedian Max Wall and the thing that drops from the ceiling is a prop.
13:01 no….Not at all. It’s just incredible luck.
Nothing supernatural…again. Let’s not,put any spooky narratives where there are likely not any.
10:20 spaceX rocket done gone kablooey. Nothing paranormal at ALL
8:40 it’s just a drunkard or cracky
3:27 it’s most likely a helium filled balloon.
2) hannahthehorrible gave a possible explanation for this “ghost” balloon 🎈
that 'ghost' running past the two dog walkers looked like it came from one of the walkers, not running past – watch again
That stuffs in the sky was Space X Starship burning up. Cuz elon eats pecker on the daily!
My daughter sleeps with her eyes open quite often. When she was little and we first experienced it, it creeped us the heck out. She's an adult now so obviously it doesn't effect her everyday life but it is creepy looking to those around here. Based on my own experiences I would say the kid isn't awake at all. I think she is sound asleep with her eyes open so it looks like she is staring off into the distance. The footsteps I cannot explain, other than probably a haunted house but the child staring off into the corner is clearly a child sleeping with her eyes open.
Elmo reminds me of the red balloon that was floating around Walmart a few feet off the floor. I expected to see Pennywise come around a corner!
Omfg. The 01:34 mark ….
About 4 years ago, i was driving home around 3am on a pretty quiet road, that ran parallel to a school, and a cemetery next door to each other . About a 1/2 mile up the road I could see something on the side of the road, I slowed down, assuming it was a deer. As I got closer, I noticed it's size. It was almost the size of a horse and it was literally coming out of the drainage ditch that ran a long the road. Still thinking it was an injured deer or horse, I shined my high beams on it, and THE FIGURE AT THE 1:34 MARK is exactly what I saw. It crossed the road in front of my car, and I saw THAT… I got less than 50 yards up the road and I made a u-turn to try and see it again… I scanned the entire area as I drove back by… and NOTHING… I told the story to so many of my coworkers…. And the only way I could ever describe it, was a praying mantis the size of a horse. It LOOKED ABSOLUTELY EXACTLY LIKE THE "CRAWLER" … I had never heard seen anything like it before or since… And when you called it a "crawler" it all made sense. I didn't know there was a name for what I saw. But I took a screenshot of it from this video, and now when I tell my story to ppl, I have a reference to show ppl… I thought for sure that what I saw that night was a demon … And it was one of those things where I just wished there was someone else in the car with me that night because no one could really understand what I saw. 😮
Is no one else noticing the other misty like "thing" moving at 12:08? It's more to the left side of the couple walking. And it's RIGHT before the "apparition" is seen running…
trick me elmo
Lala lala
Lala lala
Elmo's world.
Ok so Elmo video is fake you hear the dog bark and see it in background but dogs mouth never moves. And video about shop lifter looks like a security guard was filming the shop lifter as he was being shown video of himself shoplifting that's why they look the same in my opinion. Great stuff keep it up!!!
There is a reason humans should be asleep at night, because the night doesn't belong to us🐲⚔️🪬⭐️🩸
Regarding the shoplifter: could be security is showing the shoplifter the incriminating footage
The shapeshifter is just a crackhead on a crappy surveillance camera.
She was a curler
First clip looks like as though her eyes are partially closed with maybe a mask or there was a camera glitch hence the long arms.
Terrible video.
Ya looks like contrail.
That kids 6th sense was the movement worbble of the fan right before it falls
Getting sick of all these poor individuals with birth defects who will not go out during the day so walk at night when they will not be disturbed.