How did Smilodon become extinct from the earth#science #sciencefacts #sabertoothtiger

How did Smilodon become extinct from the earth#science #sciencefacts #sabertoothtiger
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How did Smilodon become extinct from the earth #science #sciencefacts

How did Smilodon become extinct from the earth
How did Smilodon become extinct from the earth
How did Smilodon become extinct from the earth
How did Smilodon become extinct from the
saber tooth tiger
who killed saber tooth tiger
who killed saber tooth cat
who killed Smilodon
saber tooth tiger


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About the Author: Admin


  1. Actual reason: Saber tooth tigers were limited time species for the ice age event, and when the next update released and the event ended God removed them from the game.

  2. they didnt extinct

    they change

    modern prey no more have thick skin

    the long fang is no more necessary

    the hell every1 say im no more in this world just bcoz some korean doctor treat me his skill

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