How did Smilodon become extinct from the earth #science #sciencefacts
How did Smilodon become extinct from the earth
How did Smilodon become extinct from the earth
How did Smilodon become extinct from the earth
How did Smilodon become extinct from the
saber tooth tiger
who killed saber tooth tiger
who killed saber tooth cat
who killed Smilodon
saber tooth tiger
Smilodons and sabertooth tigers are the same thing
Many megaphones were born? Damn the ice age must've been loud af.
We are still in the ice age…
What is lakh
lakh year? money?
Yeah your mom got hungry again
I thought it was tar pits
1 lakh must be indian editor.
I camer from x men origins x men character sabretooth
This AI generated content with US accent is getting out of hand !!!
God that's why
smilodon see that someone still remembers 10;000BC 12;000BC
Wonder if people will be on the list next? Oh wait…😢 Climate change
Thinking of it the teeth would get in the way of trying to bite down no?
Actual reason: Saber tooth tigers were limited time species for the ice age event, and when the next update released and the event ended God removed them from the game.
R.I.P legend of 👑😢
1 lakh means 100,000
For those who don't know. A lakh is the Indian word for a 100k.
Starvation of saber tooth
I don’t think anyone actually knows this to be fact , it’s a more like a theory
Love cheetas
Please 🙏 bring them back #!!! ☺️🙏🕊️🙌👏👊💎💯🤗👍☝️🌎
Boohoo for them
So what they saying is all the animals that died is frozen in ice right now as we speak
they didnt extinct
they change
modern prey no more have thick skin
the long fang is no more necessary
the hell every1 say im no more in this world just bcoz some korean doctor treat me his skill
We are still in the ice age they died off because there prey died ( prob cuz of humans)
I still wonder how y’all know all this as if they were born back then
So much for evolution…
The saber toothed tiger is achuly called Smilodon 😊
Sabertooth Cat!
Whoever believes in science b.s is a FooL.. GOD is coming back y'all better repent
I’m sad 😢
1lock years ago? Megaphones? Ai is getting lazy?
To know more about American Lion visit – American Lion fossil files
This happened thousands of years ago, how do we know that this is actually true? I guess we’d never know.
That tooth looks hassle for him when opening his mouth and biting.