I took on the ultimate survival challenge in Oxygen Not Included — surviving without ever eating food! That’s right — in this brutal No Food Challenge, my regular dupes had to make it through without a single bite.
On standard difficulty, with everyone required to survive, this food-free colony run pushes ONI strategy to the absolute limit. Can I really survive without food in Oxygen Not Included? Watch to see how I pull off this insane ONI challenge!
My Compilation of other Crazy Challenges: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqzVluSyvaf3Wh-vwC7Jh7Oa9VQDh3C59
#oxygennotincluded #challenge #food #nofood #eating
Thanks for getting me back into a oni mood 😀
Wow! I'm definitely using this for the early game, and skip farms straight to a ranch setup. The stamina/bladder reset is a plus. Great vid, tnks!👍
Oxygen Not Included ❌❌❌
Oxygen & Food Not Needed ✅✅✅
Really interesting to watch. My respect!
Nice video👍🏻
i thought its gonna be Reggie and insane tag
where everyone is dying and printed forever
Must have been a lot of work finding that seed, almost as much as the rest of the planning and micro. GG! Well played!
Sound is bad, but video is good!
Very interesting bug!
Impressive 😂😂😂
Please somebody make a mod so instead of eating dups will launch a rocket automatically.
These challenge runs are great. Nice how you edited it down like that too, really well done!
You only made 3 beds for 4-5 dupes for like a minute longer. Outrageous.
OMG, I have like 1300 hours in ONI and didnt know about that exploit – probably because I never needet to abandon rocket.
I am having a flashback of all the food struggles I have had. The water supply for farms, temperature management, automation, ranches and this is a solution with no struggles. ._.
Your audio quality varies wildly in this video, what's going on with that?
Incredible! I was riveted the whole way through
iirc some version of the base game had a similar exploit where if a dupe goes into a command unit of a rocket(doesnt have to be spaceworthy) and gets out the dupe also gets reset.
this is because base game rockets have no interior so the dupe stats have to get reset otherwise they would suffocate or starve in a journey.
Dude how do you keep coming up with not only insane challenges, but also equally insane solutions?!?
Bravo sir, bravo
Oh, also I guess it's not only a ship launch but a ship lunch too
This is an amazing Video but it would be great if the audio quality is improved.
You can, Change to a higher quality microphone and reduce In-game sfx & Music.
Im ok with your Asian accent since english is hard and i hate this foul language
That's really interesting mechanic. Before watching the episode I thought it would abuse a different mechanic I noticed when playing on max difficulty settings. If dupe has eating as their current order they get starvation immunity. Even if their hunger hits 0 they will not die. It kind of helped me in saving calories since they can't go below zero resulting in then not burning calories on that walk.
I was going to suggest the radiation eater trait, but it has a limit of +50 kcals per cycle
Thanks for the top tier contents 🎉 I’m still a noob at this game
can i do challenge for you.
Yes: 50 dupes 50 cycles
No: Ok then you do you.
hmmp I gues human rights included 😒
Can confirm eating is a huge waste of time!
Brilliant! What a great exploit.
It took a huge turn from what i was expecting:)
I like that you didnt tell the truth until last seconds, that was fun and engaging 👍
Void challenge with no food challenge!!! I think it's not possible tho 😂
It's a wild technique :')
I love your videos. The narration is a huge improvement
You are simply an insane person 😂
the thumbnail is so fucking funny
Incredibly glad i found you, youre both super entertaining, and the only person ive found who will do psychotic challanges like this. Keep up the awesome work!!
As far as I know, you could use a skill scrubber on a pre-skilled dupe and reassign that skill point
Man your vidoes are really interesting!
this man found a new way to torture dupes
Didn't expect to see something like that to be the real meaning of "food sustainability", but well done! A world's first, I'd guess!
Я знаю, это возможно. В колонии будут 1-2 дубликанта, которые будут сменять друг друга каждые 3 цикла. Дело в том, что когда печатный станок делает нового дубликанта, он появляется с ~3.500 ккал. Этого достаточно что бы дожить до следующей зарядки печатного станка.
I know it's possible. There will be 1-2 duplicates in the colony, which will replace each other every 3 cycles. The thing is, when the printing press makes a new duplicate, it appears with ~3,500 kcal. This is enough to survive until the next charging of the printing press.
Wild! Can't believe that mechanic exists, well done!!!