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About the Author: Stone Face Memes


  1. We all have our place in the world. As a carpenter, you need the house I build, but I have no idea how to build a microwave, and damnit I need my hot pocket

  2. As a doctor I am grateful we have people who are all willing to help in the event of disaster. You get your tractor to bring me the sick, the engineering teams set up generators to keep the hospital running, and hopefully with my team I can save some folks who might otherwise die, so they can live another day to rebuild the community.

  3. I despise the contemptuous superiority that comes with being a pseudo-intellectual who works at one of these colleges, but MIT?! They actually roll their sleeves up and busy at MIT. Had he said Columbia…. well now we're talking.

  4. So what are yā€™all gonna do when thereā€™s an emp and your vehicle knowledge isnā€™t worth anything? Also having a PHD doesnā€™t make someone useless just like being redneck doesnā€™t make you stupid. What if a redneck had a PHD?

  5. I want to be offended by this so bad but it is so true. And there won't be a person on earth who will be more kind and willing to help then those redneck folks. Not my social circle by any means but a group of people with a bad rep that are actually really decent when you know what hits the fan.

  6. Hard pill to swallow is that literally no pHD talks as disrespectfully about blue collar workers as blue collar workers talk about themā€¦ just because you donā€™t understand someoneā€™s job or field of study doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not important. Also a pHD can be in everything from engineering to physics to computers to biology to healthcare to law and much more. We all need eachother, why the unnecessary hate?

  7. After Helene, all the blue-collar men stepped up while the suits acted like spoiled children. Really showed who were the men around these parts and who were little bitches

  8. Thing is there's plenty of blue collar folks who are just as intelligent as anyone with a college degree. Just circumstances were different for them. I've met plenty of college educated folks where the common sense waved bye bye a long time ago.

  9. iā€™d be terrified for this to be who i was stuck with in an apocalyptic situation. iā€™ve spent almost a quarter of a life on this planet and iā€™ve yet to meet a people more consistently stubborn, prideful and bullheaded as rednecks. I grew up around them, was raised by them, and now that iā€™m an adult, kinda hope i never have to talk to another overweight, unshowered grease ball of a man about why his four years in the navy makes him pretty much Dirty fucking Harry or something. weā€™re talking about the group of people who, in mass, elected a felon to spite ā€œthe leftā€ (and unrepresented political group in this country) . itā€™s cool to understand traction and all that but you gotta admit. itā€™s not a particularly difficult concept to figure out.

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