What video are you fucked hard watching? Cuz I see a two dumbasses talking then some guys showing some moves on a dummy
While it’s not quite a knife hand strike to the neck, it’s close. A knife hand strike to the neck can be deadly and really shouldn’t be encouraged. The general public should focus on basic self-defense rather than lethal techniques. A strike like that can severely damage the airway and cause be fatal, so it should only ever be considered in extreme situations where life is on the line.
I love this guy's tactical video shorts. He always demonstrates the proper execution of the move. Kudos to Mr Valentyne for his restraint and teaching skills. 👍🏾🤠 03/12/25
😂Tú parece que no conoces a ese muchacho,Es un boxeador famoso y no quizo acabar con el tipo, Lo tuyo no es nada amigo, solo alarde con un muñeco!!😂 No me hagas reír 😂😂
Love this guy sweet move be careful of his windpipe unless needed 😂😂
Your brake you thumb if not delivered correct
Excellent clips. Thank you.
But we didn't see it ….why is that?
Click bait. No punches were thrown. Insane steet fight, more like bogus video title.
Algo bello un tazo dorado 👉🔥💎👑💙👉🇲🇽
No happy ending?
I mean, you don't want to kill the guy by crushing his wind pipe. That's 10-20 years in Prison, even if it's self defense.
So who won? The white guy or black guy?
Oh and BTW boxing and winning a street fight r two very different things. Only hands 2 be used in boxing. In a fight there are no rules.
Ummmm again no one was struck but the dummy so how do the ppl in these comments know the black man was defeated In this so called street fight? Oh just a bunch of inferior people cheering something that never happened, because they identify with the lesser male in this video
I don't encourage any adults to get into scraps. Things are different when you're an adult. And this video here is a no no. In this situation better to just stay alert for a counter, cause if you go first and something happens to that other person your next meal will be in prison.
Monkey vs human?
garbage video
Valentyn what do you think about chopping with the radia instead of the ulna side of the hand?
We also don't know who the black guy is. The black dude could be a fighter too. So what happened after?
the white guy is a professional fighter
Human growth hormone supplements testosterone for men estrogen for women get them on your phones search bar tackle football is the learn to fight lesson for your son weight bench boxing gloves football stops trauma conscious broken bones
What video are you fucked hard watching? Cuz I see a two dumbasses talking then some guys showing some moves on a dummy
While it’s not quite a knife hand strike to the neck, it’s close. A knife hand strike to the neck can be deadly and really shouldn’t be encouraged. The general public should focus on basic self-defense rather than lethal techniques. A strike like that can severely damage the airway and cause be fatal, so it should only ever be considered in extreme situations where life is on the line.
I love this guy's tactical video shorts. He always demonstrates the proper execution of the move. Kudos to Mr Valentyne for his restraint and teaching skills. 👍🏾🤠 03/12/25
😂Tú parece que no conoces a ese muchacho,Es un boxeador famoso y no quizo acabar con el tipo,
Lo tuyo no es nada amigo, solo alarde con un muñeco!!😂
No me hagas reír 😂😂
Love this guy sweet move be careful of his windpipe unless needed 😂😂
Your brake you thumb if not delivered correct
Excellent clips. Thank you.
But we didn't see it ….why is that?
Click bait. No punches were thrown. Insane steet fight, more like bogus video title.
Algo bello un tazo dorado 👉🔥💎👑💙👉🇲🇽
No happy ending?
I mean, you don't want to kill the guy by crushing his wind pipe. That's 10-20 years in Prison, even if it's self defense.
So who won? The white guy or black guy?
Oh and BTW boxing and winning a street fight r two very different things. Only hands 2 be used in boxing. In a fight there are no rules.
Ummmm again no one was struck but the dummy so how do the ppl in these comments know the black man was defeated In this so called street fight? Oh just a bunch of inferior people cheering something that never happened, because they identify with the lesser male in this video
I don't encourage any adults to get into scraps. Things are different when you're an adult. And this video here is a no no. In this situation better to just stay alert for a counter, cause if you go first and something happens to that other person your next meal will be in prison.
Monkey vs human?
garbage video
Valentyn what do you think about chopping with the radia instead of the ulna side of the hand?
We also don't know who the black guy is. The black dude could be a fighter too. So what happened after?
the white guy is a professional fighter
Human growth hormone supplements testosterone for men estrogen for women get them on your phones search bar tackle football is the learn to fight lesson for your son weight bench boxing gloves football stops trauma conscious broken bones