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About the Author: Wild Diary


  1. Lost my guinea pig pumpkin on Friday, it was all very sudden. She was 8 1/2 years old and was roommates pet that they stopped taking care of and left her with me when they moved. Things feel weird now there is no one else around, I work from home. She would always squeak in the morning for lettuce. She would get excited from the noise of grocery plastic bags rustling.

    I gave her a final bath on Friday and wrapped her up in a towel after drying and all she could do in the end hours was kind of flop her head around. I fell asleep for 3 hours and woke up to her gone. I buried her in her comfy bed I had found on Amazon. It was startling feeling how cold her small body was. She always would nestle under my chin against my neck and make noises.

  2. Seems to me that life expectation of 7 years can be the best argument to give one as pet for small children. Long enough time to form meaningful emotional bond. Short enough to make you sure the child will experience the pet's death, still as a child.

    Not a pleasant experience. Nevertheless, a necessary one.

    Best_if possible_ to have the change to mourn a guinea pig, and be sed for it. Learn to recover from it, and keep living. Before you have to deal with the death of a parent, beloved uncle, or close friend.

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