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BUY YOUR LIVING ZOOLOGY MERCHANDISE HERE: https://living-zoology-film-studio.creator-spring.com/? BECOME A …
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Queen Cobra
A black mamba is the deadliest…a Cobra you can have enough time for medical attention but a black mamba haaaaa😢😢😢😢😢
Where the battle 😂 i watch until end but one snake from my lovely asia and another from Africa 😂 how they can fight
Mamba is deadlier but when faced with King Cobra, the King wins.
Le mamba est le petit déjeuné du cobra royal
here in the philippines we have prince cobra .Ian used to catch venomous snake..
Much interested watching these two snake species
I would like to see the inland taipan in that competition
Mamba is faster more aggressive and would bite the Cobra a few times and bye 👋!!! Black Mamba is the real king of the jungle in Africa, Lions and Elephants and Rhinos run from them!!!!
Once a king always a king
U wont find video moongoose killing king cobra. Note i said king cobra not cobra. Moongoose kill black mamba.
King cobra is snake killer. Most likely mamba will have no effect on king like other snakes.
I tried to watch the video with my fear of snakes, but since the video was very calm with very good information, I felt Okey so really good job. I liked the video.
Not vs you are lier
very interesting facts about the two different species!
Nice video 👍👍👍
תודה רבה
Super video . 👏 From india in tamilnadu
Really enjoyed the video.
Calm sounds/music. Really nice footages and interesting comparison.
I thought they were going to fight
They forgot a category favorite food. The king cobra eats mostly snakes I think the Cobra would win
I believe he was using zoom cause it can kill h8m
Swart Mamba
Jiske naam mein King Hai Vahi to jitega😈🇮🇳😎
King cobras do not bite humans without provocation.
King Cobras literally eat other snakes for breakfast
philippine eagle.. hold my beer👌🏻😂
philippine eagle.. hold my beer👌🏻😂