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  1. Hahahaha those red necks… pussy act playing they are man because u look differents.. ive been on this so many times and they are always 2 ot more… and i challange them on man vs man.. they go away hahaha

  2. The full video is actually really interesting if you want to learn something about male aggression.

    The quietest person there, was the guy who actually knew how to fight and had years of experience.

    The loudest guy, the one in the red, was the most aggressive. He let his friend take all the hits, while he was screaming and trying to intimidate the fighter.

    The loudest and most aggressive person was also the most cowardly. He hid behind the girl off camera multiple times and used her as a sheild.

    Moral of the story

    When a guy calmly tells you he doesnt want to fight. Hes not trying to protect himself, hes trying to protect YOU

  3. The two dudes were both so obviously posturing and have had no martial arts/ boxing experience whatsoever. Obvious by the fact that they kept approaching a guy trying to retreat.

  4. I have personaly seen several street fights outside of night clubs where a well placed high kick ended the fight within seconds.

    Not ideal thing to do.. but in certain situations its a VERY effective offensive move.

  5. They only say that to complete beginners but since this guy has a little experience with high kicks then he should be all right to throw them

  6. I remember seeing the original, the girl that was with those two guys was talking a LOT of 💩 to the big guy, so the guys thought it was wise to step up instead of controlling her mouth.

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