REAL Ghosts Caught On Camera | YOU Be The Judge

Spread The Viralist

Watch as we review some of the internet’s most scariest paranormal videos!

Yall have been asking so we have officially brought it back! My wife and I are back reviewing some of the scariest videos on the Internet. You know the rules…. Let me know in the comments which videos you’re ghosting and which ones you are roasting!!

New Episodes dropping EVERY Tuesday and Thursday!!

#scary #creepy #paranormal #reactionvideo #reaction #ghosts #poltergeist #frightnight #ghost #spirit


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About the Author: Ghosted Or Roasted


  1. In the doorway was a boy with a teddy bear 🧸 and the person that pulled the guy hoody was a big Asian with big teeth. Wish I can show you how to see them. It's easier than you think. That's why I asked if you can see who your talking to would you want to see?

  2. Hi Family Love watching your videos & having your wife on is a nice touch. I'll keep watching may your family stay safe. Dave from Canada

  3. Happy birthday, Dalen!🎉❤🎉 My forties were the best decade of my life. I was more settled, less drama, and old enough to appreciate a all of it. That's my hope for you, too.

    And great intro, Stacey! Done like a pro. ❤

  4. Stacey ❤❤❤❤❤I miss seeing ya sister. Oh hey Dalen, didn't see you there 😂😂😂jk. Happy birthday sir. Hows miss Axel. Give her a huge hug from her fans. ❤❤❤

  5. Happy birthday!🎈. I am I 911 dispatcher people having panic attacks are having trouble breathing and really panicking where you can not get to them to cooperate. She was way to calm

  6. Happy Birthday Dalen!!! Mine is the 23rd…. I was a youngster when the Dupond plaza Hotel burned it was a terrible fire, lots of people lost their lives…

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