7 SCARIEST Videos That Will Leave You Shocked
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The mn who ran and had cross in the kitchen there was a person chasing him in the back
Scariest bit in first video was the voice saying the doll moved.
This is definitely NOT how to rebuke something. And running/screaming scared won't help either. If one knows a spirit is there, why would you be asking it to leave.? You rebuke it and not ask it…
🗣️"Josh moved the doll."
It is invisible scp 096
Paranormal from Thailand is no less interesting than paranormal in other parts of the world
He needs a priest or something to get the demons out or why not just move out buddy
The first video is SO fake. Why would a doll be on the counter? Why would a rocking horse be right at the bottom of the stairs. And why is the cross upside down. And that fake entity peeking down?! Give me a break.
Josh's videos are fake. He walks in the dining room, light swinging but there is also an upside down cross and while his back is turned the doll moves, he turns around and immediately says the doll ,moved
F the doll moving… more importantly the cross on the wall is upside down not a good sign. Hopefully Josh isn't messing around with ouija boards?
Looking at the first video, this is the third video that I have seen in which you see some pale entity with black eyes.
Does Josh usually display a crucifix upside down in his living room???
12:46 it said move
The first guy Josh definitely turned that doll around himself. He stops right by it then you can hear it being turned. THEN, he turns to directly face it. Bullshit!
Why these things happens to these family. I don't understand. The house needs to be bless by a priest.
If I was doing an investigation I would have 3 skeptics 3 believers 3 using science and a team of 3 watching all of them! Camera wise 4 cameras a room with night vision and infa red covering every angle and fixed positions. everyone using body cams thermal and night vision front and back facing!
What makes me laugh is when people go on a goast hunt and things happen and they get scared they drop the camera. Well if it was me the camera would be held steady and I would get right in there ask it questions it cant harm you in any way!
We have High definition cameras now! even tiny pinprick ones and yet when these videos are shown they are always out-of-focus , brief glimpses,so it doesn't give it any credibility ! Most of them are just staged to get views and money! I hope one day we get a true clear video and the person wont want money do it for free!
4:11 it’s my white crayon🤗
It’s not scary it’s just funny😝
Did no one see the upside down cross?
Doesn't matter if you have a Cross and recite prayers if you don't believe in what you're saying and have faith in the power of God.
1:12 The upside down Cross for extra effect! 🤦🏽😂🤣
In the first video the cross was upside down.
For the rocking horse I would have slapped a UPS label on that thing and it would have went back to my nephew's house..lol
I noticed an upside down cross hanging on his wall.
1st clip-No mention of the upside cross on the wall?!?
IDG why things moving are scary… ooh such a scary ghost..
First homie was casually chilling with a demon in his house😂
Watch out – This Scary Comp will make you jump out of your seat!
Your house is not haunted you rigged it to do all that stuff
At 17:07. Is that the shadow of a third person there, perhaps the cameraman moving across the bottom of the screen?
The guy that screams Horre is so annoying stop acting can't stand when people try to sell u stuff ya it's haunting but u screaming is sad
I love a good ghostly paranormal compilation to watch at night in the dark😊
First clip, you know what I would've done? I would've walked by the doll and moved it when the camera wasn't filming it. 😂
Josh – might I suggest you throw out the doll?
Arab Ghost Hunter = Bismillah rahmano rachim + kicking doors
From 16:53 – 16:54 you can clearly see something in the background. Those guys, shouldn't be there. Going into a place you 1) don't know enough history and 2) what that bad energy is. Peace offering and it doesn't go without saying, you tell whatever to not attach itself to you and stay there. Those guys are clearly inexperienced.
Shocked? More like paranoid for life. 😨👀 Who else keeps looking over their shoulder after every clip?
Feeling spooked by these videos? Watch out for things that go bump in the night!
1:13 cross is upside down, also in other rooms
This Scary Comp will make you think twice before exploring haunted places! ����