Little girl grows up with two 16-foot pythons and has tea parties with them 💞
We talked with her dad about how he knows everyone’s safe.
Keep up with Sonny, Cher, Emi, & Ed and all of their adventures @SonnyandCherReticulatedPythons
Little girl grows up with two 16-foot pythons and has tea parties with them 💞
We talked with her dad about how he knows everyone’s safe.
Keep up with Sonny, Cher, Emi, & Ed and all of their adventures @SonnyandCherReticulatedPythons
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I think one of the main things people don’t understand is that snakes have personalities just like a cat or dog does. They think and they feel and they are very intelligent!! We got my grandson a ball python and my granddaughter has played with it more than her brother has. We have had him for years and that snake has never even struck at any of us!! Not one time have I ever felt iffy about this snake! He crawls all over my granddaughter and has since she was 4. I mean she knows how to respect him too! You’ve got to teach that too. Our snake feels secure that I won’t let anyone mistreat him and I take that very seriously! Honestly, their quirks are so fun!! He can be in one of his hides but if he hears my voice he’ll peek his head out and see what I’m doing! I know I’ve gone on and on but I just can’t stress enough what amazing pets snakes make!!❤
I have been wanting a snake they are so cute
I’m a reptile fan
People saids pythons are not safe to humans
Literal snakes:
I love snakes.
This video is sickening!!! 😖😣👎👎👎👎
Or unlucky.
A snake is a snake that's their nature.
Damm that ain't for me… only white people can do those kind of rishy thing 🚫🚫
Your crazy as Hell. Stop 🛑 spreading these lies!!!!!! They do size there food up. They will everytime. All one has different personalities.
🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ I don’t want to find these kids on the news ok 🥹
I want them
They do size u up, its happened before so its no myth
It's is still an animal
I think I rather take my chances with the cat
Absolutely beautiful. Society in general, has an inherent fear of snakes, and your video proves that they are actually lovely creatures, on the whole.
Try owning a snake in Africa.
Only ALLAH IS GOD NO godness
Dangerous games we play.
U know I should be charged .. Don't you know they will and can eat you… endangering a child's life…
I really want a pet snake when I’m older so I need to get a reptile license and I won’t be able to get a ball python unfortunately because in Australia they are considered exotic animals
Aww how adorable 😊
Having a variety of pets as a child was wonderful. Dogs, cats, snakes, lizards, frogs, hamsters, a guinea pig, and 10, 20, and 55 gallon aquariums.
Kids love animals. These snakes aren't a threat. This is great parenting.
Nope. I wouldn't put my children in this position to begin with. No way.
I've said same things about cats in my videos
Hmmm 🤔
I ma afraid one day they will eat these cute girls Please be careful
She is food to them
We would still advise that you keep on top of feeding those snakes and keep an eye on them, especially with your offsprings! 🤙🏼🙂🤙🏼❤️
no diffrent then big dogs that can hurt kids
That's child endangerment it doesn't take a genius to figure it out.
Maybe your snakes don’t size up to eat you, but I’m Australian and I woke up to a wild 4meter (13.1ft) carpet python 🐍 stretched right out the length on me on top my bed and I can assure you it wasn’t there for a cuddle 😂😂 (the snake is fine I didn’t kill it I put it in a quilt cover and took it up the road and released it into the bush land)
I have a 15 year old corn snake named Spock and he is so gentle
What a wonderful way to raise your children!!! Nature is beautiful!❤❤❤❤❤❤