Most PAINFUL Deaths in History

Most PAINFUL Deaths in History
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History is a pain and in today’s video you will see exactly why! Don’t miss some of the most gruesome and painful deaths in history as we travel the globe to find out who really had the MOST PAINFUL death of all time!

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  1. I heard the first 15 seconds and immediately thought “this is the dewitt brothers isn’t it” only to my absolute shock and horror was there a name i didn’t recognize

  2. I dunno, doesn't feel like you're doing justice to the victims by not fully describing the full gamut of torture that they went through… Like Balthazar Gerard for instance… Dude's right hand wasn't chopped off, it was burnt off, he was also disembowelled, quartered and that wasn't even the half of it. There's a lot more blood-curdling torture they put him through that does warrant the title of "most brutal execution in Europe."

  3. Robert-François Damiens had far more painful and varied torture inflicted upon him before he suffered what you described, which probably was the least horrific part of the execution.

  4. 17:30– typical know-it-all doctor*… "According to my expensive education, that can't happen. I don't care that you were there & that you're in agonizing pain; it runs contrary to accepted medical knowledge. Therefore, you are an uneducated commoner & should be grateful for the chance to bask in the light of my brilliance… wait, you found what?"
    After being proven wrong, doctor proceeds to torture innocent animals.
    *- not all doctors but there are still an unfortunate number that refuse to listen to anything that doesn't line up with what they learned in school.

  5. The following are the musings of a Salty SEAGULL named EARL who just shows up in my posts whenever he feels like it!
    [EARL the Salty SEAGULL:] "I could have sworn I just saw a title card of a BEAR 🍇ing a guy to death! Must be my imagination!"

  6. 3:40 aside from the unnecessarily disrespectful remarks you give, you are factually wrong. He stayed longer, cause he wanted to observe the bears that hunt later during the year that he didn’t know. Also he didn’t record. His GF did after he requested it and the attack had already started.

  7. Grizzly Man is an incredible documentary on Timothy. The director Werner Herzog is one of the few people who has heard the tape and he advised Timothy’s friend, who was in possession of it, to destroy it. Super haunting moment

  8. I've learned the hard way that you really DON'T want to see/hear the Tim Treadwell recording. Years ago I thought I wanted to see the uncensored press photos of Princess Diana's crash. Then I saw one of the photos… and it made me realise I wished I'd never seen it. Thirty-odd years later and I still can't unsee it. There's a good reason why some things are kept from us. I don't like censorship, but there IS a line.

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