Polar Bears Don’t Bluff: Why Lying Down Could Be Fatal!

Polar Bears Don't Bluff: Why Lying Down Could Be Fatal!
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Facing a polar bear, the largest land predator, demands calm and strategy. Back away slowly, avoid running, and never try to swim away. If attacked, defend yourself by targeting the bear’s nose and eyes. Traveling in groups and carrying a firearm as a last resort can help.



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About the Author: Admin


  1. As the the old saying goes…
    If its black fight back
    If its brown lie down
    If its white good night.

    Ill bet someone else has already posted that but im doing it anyway.
    But Ill ad some pointers that i have learned having been in the bush for over 35 years. Its long…but here goes
    First off if you go where bears are, buy a can ( or 3) of bear spray a relatively cheap and easy way that can save your life
    Black bears, as long as its not early spring or a momma bear with cubs, making noise raising you arms, and standing your ground ( never ever turn and run), unless you are 2 steps away from safety, any further and they will catch you. But they will typically avoid you and go away just by making noise. If you are charged, still dont run, if you have spray use it before they get within 25-30 ft. Let them run into the cloud, if you wait too long they will push through it and be on you before you can blink.

    Brown/Grizzly bears, now these are scarier. If traveling in grizzly bear country its imperative to make noise, carry bells, you dont want to surprise them, that almost guarantees an attack, they will usually let you know they are there if they hear you. Again springtime, you know what momma bears with cubs and just before hibernation are the most dangerous times. Along with bear spray, I would suggest a large calibre rifle or shotgun with slugs or buckshot, if you are in grizzly territory.
    If you are charged and you have a firearm drop down on one knee, you want to be on their level to have the best chance of hitting it, and dont wait, shoot. You might think.you have time, to get off multiple shots, you dont. A grizzly will typically bowl you over before attacking. And once they got you they will continue ripping until you stop moving. Hence the lie down, but its pretty hard to.lie still when you have a set of teeth ripping into your flesh. If you encounter one on a trail, talk low and calm walk away backwards, if you have nothing , no spray, no weapon, this is where the lie down part might come in. If they do charge the will try to knock you down, so get down on you stomach before they do becaise it will be much harder to try once your hit.
    Spread your legs out and cover your neck with your hands keeping your elbows out. They are going to try to flip you over, keeping you legs out will prevent or at least make it harder. Now if he really wants you, sorry you will be done. But odds are with you, they usually dont. Now this will be the hardest part, you must stay on you stomach, stay quite, and go as limp as possible. Stay as still as possible, they might even take a nip out of you to make sure, but you have to resist the urge to yell or move, because that will usually be the last test, before they move on.

    Polar bears
    You must be alert, avoid being alone, bear spray is only guaranteed on curious bears in my opinion, A hungry, angry polar bears are known to push through bear sprays, buy a powerful spray (UDAP), but in my opinion a must is a powerful firearm,( 300 winmag, 30/06, 308, 45-70 gov etc.) Yes a sidearm, can do and its better than nothing, but odds are even a well placed shot wont stop an angry polar bear from getting to you

  2. If you're smart you will always carry a weapon in the wild and make sure you carry something to have some bite to it you should never carry anything smaller than a 357 Magnum always bigger I know liberal Democrats would be tripping out but have you ever had a conversation with a liberal Democrat after they had a fight with a bear without a weapon usually never say anything. That's a last resort carry a weapon or firearm no that would be the first thing you do nevertheless every person that has been murdered through the years they would have been armed they would have never been murdered you have to be smart even though you're liberal Democrat I doubt you will ever be smart he never are The only victims well this would be a good victim Don't mess with a bear see what happens I'm from the rest I'm not from no city so what are you going out there being political correct Go up to a parent be that way or a wolf coyote coyote will leave you alone unless are extremely hungry

  3. Considering the climate where polar bears live, trying to swim away could only have two results. You either freeze to death in the water or you slip on the ice. Either way, you are polar bear food. Let’s face it, unless you have a powerful gun and you are a crack shot, you don’t survive. Period. And the worst part is, you are alive when they eat you.

  4. What he could have said is the largest land carnivore of the modern-day not the largest land carnivore because the dinosaurs have taken the tea for that

  5. honestly even though I know how dangerous they are when that polar bear stuck it's nose through the steps my inner white woman was all like "Awe Ima pet that nose…" meanwhile my inner voices were screaming "Hell naw!" and my dark humor was making non-family friendly jokes that I can not share…

  6. Bullshit. She'd SOME clothing a couple of minutes apart so it will stop and smell it, giving u more time to run. Then if u can jump in a vehicle. The ONLY eat meat and can smell u from MILES away. So if u see one that means it's been tracking u for awhile and it's already too late

  7. If you don’t have a gun or spray Get on your knees and pray. 😂😂😂 there is a reason the saying goes if it’s black fight back, if it’s brown hit the ground and if it’s white Goodnight. This is the only bear who eats nothing but meat their entire existence is roaming a frozen landscape looking for their next meal if it moves its food for them 😂

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