Street Fighter Self-Defense kick defence is a practical and effective self-defense system that combines techniques and strategies from various martial arts, including boxing, wrestling, judo, and street fighting. This system focuses on quickly
1. *Awareness*: Recognize potential threats and maintain situational awareness.
2. *Simple and Effective Techniques*: Use straightforward, easy-to-learn techniques to quickly neutralize attackers.
3. *Adaptability*: Adapt to various scenarios and attackers.
4. *Economy of Motion*: Use minimal movement to achieve maximum effect.
5. *Multiple Opponent Defense*: Strategies for handling
1. *Striking*: Punches, kicks, elbow strikes, and other strikes to vulnerable areas.
2. *Grappling*: Clinching, takedowns, throws, and submission holds.
3. *Defense*: Blocking, parrying, and evading.#selfdenfense #streetdefence #mma #fighting @JhangirKickboxer
O certo é não brigar
The other guy had a different stance, it was orthodox v southpaw, so what you just tried to correct wouldn't have been possible, I've seen this whole video, the guys under attack from a couple of guys, and it's not in a ring, it's on the street which is a lot less predictable, yet he puts both of them to sleep, the guy done very well.
Норм второму бороду встряхнул 😂
yo tengo un hermano y sabe boxear desde los 14 ahora tiene 19,😂👌🫵
Najbardziej mnie śmieszą Hindusi nie wiedziałem żadnego w UFC
In the second half of the video, guy threw a beautiful knockdown punch.
Кайенскую смесь в морду и пойдет плакать герой.
1. That dude without the shirt is a douche, picking on someone who clearly can't defend themselves. 2. Don't take fights you know you can't win, and if you throw a kick throw it with speed power and conviction!! 3. Street fighting is fucking dumb! There's no good outcome, even if you win you can land yourself in severe legal trouble. Just leave. I've trained martial arts for many years still never been in a fight but I still have that training if I ever 100% need to defend myself, but I'd rather keep that sword sheathed.
Ahí podemos ver un chusma que realiza artes marciales para abusar en la calle.
Đòn phá trụ tuyệt vời 🎉🎉🎉
hahaha 😅😅😅😅
Curry kick
He's going to charged with first degree manslaughter… He punched him n his neck with a brute Force😢
not a good idea to kick at that position as if he turn his leg uou brake your leg
Por eso mi golpe favorito era patada a las costillas o golpe a la frente 😊
الرجل القوي حقآ من رئة احد لا يريد القتال لانه ايقن انك أقوا منه فلم يقاتل معه ويسخر منه
No to violency