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About the Author: Dark Moose


  1. My baby is six months and I’m not sure what he see’s in the ceiling but it’s the most fun time. You should hear him laughing. Hence searching for this video. This is not normal behavior. Hopefully it’s not something harmful. Pray for Jhelani

  2. Just because you dont see someone it doesn’t mean someone isn’t there. This is exactly why some kids just end up growing up NEVER telling their parents anything because they don’t have the security to trust that their parents will believe them! Trust that little boy! Clearly he sees something and dismissing him just because you dont or cant see it is shitty!

  3. When i was 2 i went to my aunts house out of state it was a big old house that used to have a chimney but the previous owner was a crazy old woman that had people remove the chimney and bury the bricks in the yard because she said demons were in the bricks my mom was puting clothes on me while i was laying on my back and there was a second floor but it had a balcony instead of a wall so i said "somebodys hereee do you see them?"and pointed at the balcony it scared my mom then another night i screamed and my mom and aunt came running and i said something evil was in the room it pissed my mom off and she screamed at it then another day i was playing with someone my aunt got my moms attention and told her to watch i was laughing then stopped walk over to my mom and told her my great grandfathers name that died wayyy before i was born and said he loved her so much when she was little he would get on his knees and play with them and act like a puppy i said "hes a puppy mommy hes a puppy!" Before i told her he loved her that was one strange house i went again when i was 10 and remember during the late nights when we would leave the dogs out and the door would suddenly open let them in then close it was a nice house though i know alot of people will think im lying and probably atheist but i know what i know and ill continue to stand by it

  4. Bro there was this one girl that was in the bathroom with her mom until she notices a picture of her grandma and says "mommy, is that your grandma?" and the mom explains that it was the girl's grandma and she passed away and explained why people pass away. the girl then said back "mommy, grandma is here and says "hi Jamaila." The mom's name is Jamie and the girl's grandma called her Jamila before she passed except the girl didn't know that…

    TL;DR. Girl delivers a message from her dead grandma.

  5. Please pray a hedge of protection and the blood of Jesus over your children.. in the name of Jesus! If you think for one second Satan ain’t interacting with your kids, you are sadly wrong. He’s after your kids!!!

  6. He was saying hi to me, it seems like the ghost is really close to him, it's shy and subtle, it seems like he's playing with him, inviting him to play with him, I hope you read it.😊❤

  7. never ignore not only your kids but also your pet's instincts,trust them they see and feel things we don't,sometimes it can be life saving 💀👍

  8. I'm convinced my grandson plays with a ghost. The reason I'm looking at videos. He only speaks a few words. Recently he's been interacting with something near our door. Engaging, laughing, showing em things, as if it is asking him something. Its creepy and funny at the same time. I'm just glad they are making him laugh. I be like thank you.

  9. Kids absolutely pick up on these things. I know as I have vivid memories of seeing a ghost when I was around four / five year old. I was on a family holiday at a rental property in the Scottish Highlands, I 1000% remember sitting at the dining table one day and seeing this heavy set man walk silently into the room while looking right at me. I remember feeling absolutely terrified. There was also a room in this house that I refused to go in to, my Mum remembers that I kept saying that this was due to a "man sat in the chair". I'm now 52 and never had any paranormal experiences since this, however what happened in that house will stay with me until my dying day.

  10. 3 possibilities:

    1. Yes, it’s an imaginary friend.
    2. The kid saw a spider crawl in the vent and was saying goodnight to the spider.
    3. I’m in your walls.

  11. When I was a little kid I was saying good night to someone in my backyard and my mom walked in and I told her I was saying he’s going to sleep now my mom told me that back then I used to talk to ghost

  12. My little sister was certain that she saw something she was around one years old and so I just kicked it to make fun because I had no clue she was saying and she started crying I had I told my mom and she and she said just leave her aloneI don't know what she was doing this has been happening recently

  13. The real explanation is not some angel, spirit, Past relative, Demon, No. It’s just a homeless guy living in the attic talking to the kid through the vent. and he was doing it for 3 days.

  14. ghosts are not ghosts.
    ghosts are demons.
    in the bible, it says that the devil and his angels(demons) shall only go to hell when Jesus comes back, in the meanwhile, they roam this earth, tempting and terrorizing us.
    but if we remain faithful, they shall not hurt us
    God bless you all.

  15. Once when I was 8 at night I was getting my stuff from the living room to sleep with my dad and in the corner in my house a saw a little boy was a bunny and he wasn’t moving and he was just there staring at me so I called my dad and he was still there but my dad couldn’t see it

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