4 REASONS why UNTRAINED fighters will be more dangerous to you. This week we delve into the tactics, psychology and natural ability of the ordinary person. Factors that you should consider in your self defence strategy, training, and preparation. Most people don’t know or use threat indicators. Everything you should know to understand how dangerous a threat is in self defence.
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Do your best to avoid stupid people and places, i'm almost 60 now, and have always been quick to anger with men with rude behavior. I cannot go hands on anymore so i carry tools when i have to go to town. I live mostly like a hermit now, not out of fear, well fear of prison maybe, seems like bad guyz have all the rites now, strange times !!!
Really good video, complete truth !
saw a clip of a soldier and he had to bayonet someone he was so scared he said he pushed the rifle clean through the guy.
What I learned is that gym sports will only ever work in specific structured environments, and even then all the rules they tie you down with go out the window when they spar. No matter how you win, they will say it is unfair and try to ban the move for safety. A street fight is never safe nor structured. The guy twisting your ankle isnt going to stop when you tap out. He isnt going to let you go because tou say its a bad move. He is going to send you to the hospital in your best case scenario. And the more you train the more predictable you are. The classic spear tackle takedown for example, is their go to attack move. But if you know how to shove down shoulders or knee them in the temple, (my favorite is grabbing themnin aheadlock and smashing their head intona wall though lol) anyway, those moves become a huge liability to try that move. And since all of your other moves hinge off your takedown, being able to stuff the takedown removes all your other tools. And no, your takedowns dont work so well off a mat where people will resist them and can counter them, see videos of cops getting reversed and slammed on youtube for an example. Then while you may be ablento get a takedown and mount. What about when they pull a knife and slash your ankles or back of knees of get in your armpit? Youre tied up trying to control one arm, or hold them down. Doesnt take much effort and less time to grab a hidden blade and make a cut. Theres structured sports then there is practical combat training. Your mma is only viable in a controlled environment. You can train moves and counters and stances and techniques all day and night but you can not train in a killer instinct or desire to do harm. It took me years to realize that and finally it clicked that its not training to get into a fight and win against the odds, its training to get OUT of a fight at all costs.
I was probably 12 at the time but I got tricked into fighting another kid my age who was bigger and knew how to box. He was kicking my ass but he wasn’t trying hurt me so I learned how to parry from watching him during the fight and managed to get him to call draw.
There were times in the ring where I was irritated that I could not harness my explosive anger because I was trained you can turn on the training and you can turn off that red rage anger but you can't turn on red rage as you're stepping up into the cage at least I had a hard time with that there are times I felt I would just end this dude if I could get pissed off😂
The best fight is the one you can avoid
Only the real ones know!
Some people are just hard, I watched this guy once take out 5 large trained doorman after a fight that seemed to last forever, he just kept going, even when doorman were stamping on his head he was gouging, biting, kicking, head butting you name it, he was just hard AF. Clearly not trained in any particular fighting style but obviously this wasn’t his first rodeo. He eventually tired them all out and walked away. 🤷🏼♂️
I Was Into Kickboxing 20+ Years…….& My Favorite Technique Was….The 500 Meter Dash (Whenever Possible).
Never mess with Arn Anderson
Game Theory tactics work. I've deescalated several situation by stating I'm a second degree black belt. I am not. I am scrappy but I saw a guy getting ready to be jumped by two guys and he postured and said he was a second degree blackbelt and they both backed down. I learned that day how to avoid a fight when it appears the fight won't avoid you. Now I conceal carry and plan to if necessary say I'm a second degree black belt and that should be the least of your worries.
Best real life example, Killdozer.
1:30 It's not that they don't understand the consequences, it's just that they don't care, because all they're thinking about is what they're gonna do to the other guy and damn What happens afterwards.
I've seen inexperienced people snap and completely overpower others
I've seen it lol
Sometimes people are just tougher than you plain and simple.
Trained for 9 years, work as a bouncer now.
This is just untrained cope.
This is only effective in certain areas. Where I live, everybody carries a weapon, including myself. I’m quicker to use my weapon, versus risk getting myself hurt due to my age. I’m not gonna tussle with anybody. Now if you’re bad enough to sock a bullet, then you’re a bad mamma, jamma. Best thing to do, is leave people alone. And I assure you, your outcomes of having a better life will increase.
The less you have to lose the more dangerous you become. Easy as that this video is a total waste of time that could have been summed in in that sentence.
This video is absolutely nonsense. You're talking about exceptions not the rule. Meaning there are some people with no fight training that are large and strong and can deal damage. But the vast majority of people without training will absolutely go down to even a smaller person with some training. This is nonsense you're full of crap
The one time I ever got in an actual fight as an adult, some skinheads were harassing my friend and I stepped in. I remember a punch from behind that I shrugged off, hitting back once as a reflex, and screaming at the guy who backed off immediately. I'm normally extremely chill, but apparently I'm terrifying if you hurt someone I care about.
Experience is advantageous, unpredictable is problematic, but effective are preperations based upon Murpvys law, and the art of war. Artack your enemy where they are not (yet).
This is 100 percent on point. And if you know anything about fighting your opponents stance will give you an indication of his skill level so let him tire out then turn the fight in your favor..If you survive the barrage of the wild punches.
The unexpected counts on getting away with a crime. They don't care about you or them self. That hot aggression is predictable and shouldn't be allowed to get past 5 feet from you. The law may say it's illegal to attack first. Yet the rule of survival says otherwise.