We’re so proud of how far our puppies have come in their potty training journey—especially these goldendoodle puppies from Mazie’s litter, now 7 weeks old! Today, we’re focusing on Manding (waiting patiently while sitting) as part of our training. It’s one of the most important ways we teach puppies good manners before they go to their forever homes.
Jumping puppies can be a challenge, especially for families with kids or first-time dog owners, so this training is key to ensuring a smooth transition. Watching these little ones learn and grow has been such a joy!
As we prepare for their big move, we’re getting their snuggle blankets ready. These blankets, along with their trusty Snuggle Puppy, are a huge help in easing the transition to crate training. The heartbeat feature in the Snuggle Puppy makes it feel like they still have a sibling nearby—something families absolutely love! Many pups, like our Honey, hold onto theirs for years.
For Our Current Goldendoodle Puppies Visit:
Website: https://www.doodlesofnc.com
Little Wolves Potty Trays – https://www.littlewolves.com
Our Favorite Dog Training Program
Online Puppy/Dog Training – https://www.baxterandbella.com
25% OFF Promo Code – DOODLESOFNC
Our Favorite Items For Puppy Owners
Our Favorite Items For Breeders
Pleeeeeeeeze stop putting your puppies on YouTube — I get the thumbnail recommendations — I am constantly going to die from jealousy and absolute cuteness overload.
I would love to adopt one of this home
No more breeding stop adopted
"We share the same love for pets! Give my comment a like! 🐶😻"
Breed for greed. Get a real job than overpopulating with more dogs which will be backyard bred. Yup, that’s the REALITY.
l love these puppys they are so cute
Abundance of love 🐕🐕❤🐕🐕
They’re adorable, and you do seem like a good breeder. However I’m wondering what made you breed crossbreed puppies instead of pure breed?
I wish I could have one I need a emotional support dog
DON'T MAKE MONEY FROM INNOCENT CREATURES that sooner or later can end up on the streets. Breeding dogs for profit is unconscionable when 10 to 20 million stray dogs roam the U.S., desperate for food, shelter, and love. The greed behind dog breeding is disgusting, churning out puppies while millions suffer. Calling a dog "purebred" is a phony excuse to justify profit. All dogs, no matter their lineage, come from wolves. They all deserve care, compassion, and a home, and not to be treated as commodities for human gain.
I’d hate to have to part with them. 😢
Szaporító vagy.ugye? Mert szaporitod honan tudod hogy mijen gazdája lesz . Más szenvedéséböl huzol hasznot. Elkeseritö szivod a joszágod vérét élösködö..😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Cancel the heck of a job Arby's puppies free
Love 🥰
Breeders should be banned. Makes me so sad. So many over filled shelters and puppies getting euthanized. If you love a breed, rescue the breed. No excuse. People who save lives have the special hearts.
You’re excellent with these puppies you’re a great mom
You’re excellent with these puppies you’re a great mom
They sound like heaven😂
YouTube Channel: Adventure is Out There
❤❤❤thank you
Mai visti questa razza che belli pensavo fossero razza barboncini
Does Linus have a forever family already? We lost our precious Linus (F1 goldendoodles) at the well loved age of 16 last spring and are considering bringing another puppy into our home.
I love your channel, even though I got a Cockapoo.
I want to sit where you are. There's nothing better than puppy love
I am envious beyond words❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊
You are great with the puppies.
How could we adopt one?
My dream
So cute ❤❤
Don’t let shelter dogs die because you want a dog that looks a certain way 🤬
In general, “purebred” dogs have more health problems than “mutts”
Loved the lowkey Loki joke Erin 😭
You have such beautiful and smart liters. ❤❤
Stop breeding dogs!!! Especially goldendoodles 😡😡😡
Happy holidays to you and your family, erin and JP. I think I'm behind on videos again… of course.
Anyway, this was delightful. Breeding and raising puppies is a TON OF WORK, and too many people don't realize just how much goes into it, nor do they realize that getting a puppy from a breeder isn't just about getting a cute puppy, it's also about taking a piece of the breeder's hard work. I'm talking about the responsible breeders like you who care about their dogs and customers, NOT THE ONES who put two dogs together just for pups, pups that typically end up in rescues or at shelters.
This is me commenting after I cleaned a bunch of crates, fed four puppies, worked on crate games with them, vacuumed, cleaned a puppy pen, exercised my own personal dogs, and I'm ready to take a nap. ::Yawn:: I'm glad I'm a breeder's assistant, not the actual breeder herself who is currently supervising delivery of pups.
I'm so glad you have so many amazing and dedicated families who love one or more of your dogs. WE've had pupss going home the past two weekends and one's leaving after New Year's Day. It's really fantastic when families meet their new additions and we get to be part of it. (We have one family who have pups from us that they named Godzilla and Mothra–Godzilla's a ten lbs ratty. ::LOL:: )
We have a 4 month old goldendoodle and at 10 weeks he did heart surgery and removed the pulsing heart. He still loves his snuggle puppy and also uses it as a pillow at night in his crate just without the heart beat. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, JP and the girls, oh and of course Bella and Honey.
The puppies are so adorable!! 🥰
Bernie is 8 months old and she still loves her snuggle puppy. She uses it like a pillow in her crate.