SURVIVING EVERY DISASTER | Roblox Natural Disaster w/ ProperDummies
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AviatorGaming: https://www.youtube.com/user/AviatorGaming
UnspeakableGaming: https://www.youtube.com/user/UnspeakableGaming
JoblessGarrett: https://www.youtube.com/user/Joblessgamers
RyguyRocky: https://www.youtube.com/user/ryguyrocky
MooseCraft: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV7lBBz6G20d87WoKFPjsPw
TheBurtDude: https://www.youtube.com/user/BurtGasm
JayBull: https://www.youtube.com/user/JayStewart1990
MeganPlays: https://www.youtube.com/user/MegannPlays
LeahAshe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyQVt6PHgeW2kmh7mYJfGdQ
Welcome to the Proper Dummies, we are a group of fun loving gamers! It is our mission to bring you entertaining Minecraft videos every single day! From Minecraft Animations, Minecraft Machinimas, Minecraft Let’s Plays and even Minecraft Roleplays! We a crew that includes: AviatorGaming, UnspeakableGaming, JoblessGarrett, Ryguyrocky, MooseCraft, BurtGasm, Jaybull and MegannPlays we promise to deliver the best of the best that Youtube has to offer. Subscribe today and become a Proper Dummy!
Welcome to EAS party
Can you accept my friend a quest
Could* can’t believe I didn’t see that typo
Foul u guys plz send me a friend request? I’m a big fan and it would mean the world to me if you did btw is subscribed to every proper productions channel
I liked and subbed before the first disaster started!🤗
Yay u play Roblox!
I did it before they went on he ilabd
Hello Guys My ROBlOX Name Is kittysummie No Caps And No Spaces In My Username I Have A Balloon And a Apple In Natural Disaster Survival
. You streamed on my birthday
Jeffrey young he is the best ever
i love you gays
OMG IM THE 404,666th subscriber!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱
I love this one
I also subbed and clicked the bell
Yo guys my name is Cody and my number is 781 774 9135 and I was wondering if I could be in one of ur vids my rblx name is:YTpandas
Jay is a cool name
I agree with Jay that legos are better
Every time I go on the carousel in the party palace, I get flung into the ocean!
Every time I go on the carousel in the party palace, I get flung into the ocean!
Jay sounds like the guy in Harry Potter and the prison azkaban how is on the night bus
my comment never gets likes im the only 1 who likes my comment
If you go on the volcano 🌋 then it's safe
If you play with other youtuber like unspeakable and it will be more fun
J you look like DJacko go check out funniest channel
OMG i sent you a friend request plsssssssssssssssss take it
Did it
sorry Megan I gave Jay luck on first round):
Jay Megan plz add friend me my name is Andrew_isDrew PLZZZZZ
If you sit down on a chair in a map you can stay on the map I did that many times before 😛
Who wants to do a roblox video? im gonna make my first roblox video. On Roblox im Jammer8d94t.