In tonight’s GTA 5 Roleplay stream on PGN – Natural Disasters strike the state of San Andreas, who will survive? Ft. @ProGamerDude
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1:51:12 I love when Doomsday Daniel says "It's the end of days"🤣😆😂
Man Karl does have a nice 1996-2000 emperor
A hurricane with sea creatures, boats and freighter ships flinging around would make a great disaster
Best quick base build ive ever seen
Jmw really the main character
Maybe do a Mad Max scenario after the events of this video. The world is a wasteland. People rely on wits and violence. Underground cities and bandits roaming the streets. That would be awesome.
Bro this could be a movie fr! this was epic!!
Them saying it's like fallout me thinking it is Metro
Video starts at 2:43
Your southern accent sounds like Jack from rdr!
This disaster really wasn't all that natural after all.
Get a Tornado chasing vehicle next time. Storm chasing is fun lol
This is a very good stream
haha grounds lava you said it
Idea:end of the world, yup just end of the world
Do squid game in gta 5 online. Please!!!!!!!!!
Ya'll should Harold runs for president part 2
Baseball bat plus cars
Alternative ending: after all of that happened the cordis die riot happened and menendez has full control of the entire us drone fleet because he uploaded a virus from the Uss Barack Obama the government was overrunned by cordis die supporters There are 1.2 billion cordis die supporters then the white house was destroyed. to be continued
Character fucking growth lol. He died murdering like 4 soldiers for his people.
Did you say there 5 tremor movies? If so im afraid you missed 6 and 7 lol. You should find a way to do a tremors rp that would be awesome.
You should do an speed camera rp but the flash is overpower and blinds people
He went out character ask the guy what his name lol 🤣
Gotta love the high ground chicken cult
Oh the military is fighting with the feds? OMG NON OF THOSE BULLETS HIT ME! XD
Hey Jmw could you do a junkyard crew where your in scrapyard like cars and attack the server with them
what i will never understand is RP games seem to just be talking. Just constant talking. im impressed you can do it but i would be bored out my nut
do the dukes of hazard rp
Do a MIB roleplay
I think the governor needs to be shoot for killing people
The man with tuxedo went from full time electrician to survivalist in one day 😂 loved it!
Seeing you do Red Dawn or Rambo would be cool. Maybe even Predator (or Predator vs Aliens).
I have an idea for a PGN, u should create a army of bears 🐻 and scare everyone making chaos lol 😂
I allways knew the chickens are the
Devils thats why they are so delicious
'The more you know'
This was a masterpiece of GTA RP. Commendatore; dats respect.
We love PGN! You guys make the best content ever, great cinematics and acting. Harold is seriously like the most beloved gta rp character there is 💜
I remember putting toothpaste on the ps2 disc to "Fill in the scratches" and it actually fucking worked. The early days were so simple
So I have a question james… so I have cowboy hats and a mask with a mustache on it and I name my self sheriff Jimmy timmy I would think it would be a funny idea but u don't have to pick mine if ya want
You should do a rp where you sell cars that look normal but can’t brake and just keep getting faster until they hit their limit
You should do scp 3199, it's a chicken looking monster
A little over 3 hours in and I love it, the run from MRPD to the subway was probably one of the most beautiful moments I've ever seen in gta whatsoever. Bravo James 👏 Bravo
This is the best that ending this hole thing is like a movie it beautiful fuck this is a masterpiece
Can you please bring back scp 173?