Most Mysterious & Amazing Recent Finds | ORIGINS EXPLAINED COMPILATION 5

Most Mysterious & Amazing Recent Finds | ORIGINS EXPLAINED COMPILATION 5
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About the Author: Origins Explained


  1. I like your stories but generally don't generally watch since pictures most don't generally have have anything to do with the story. Case in point when the English civil war was mentioned up comes a picture of American civil war soldiers.

  2. There's a place in England where the water turns things to stone over time, That's where arthur "pulled the sword from stone." Merlin grew up not far from where that is. It was just an old Roman sword. But the legend makes for a better story 😉🤫

  3. While the information is interesting, the graphics are riddled with outrageously inaccurate images, showing so called examples of what is being referred to that are often hundreds to tens of thousands of years off and/or from totally different cultures. Get it right or you are no better than Hollywood.

  4. Thank you for doing the nice piece on the corals, been asking for that for along time, years now. Could you do a full show on the different types of corals and the small animals that live the ecosystem? They're like aliens only here on earth, underwater.

  5. Awesome as always. Having to be in the VA hospital is rough. That God off your channel. I learn, I'm entertained, and my mind is off of things. Thanks

  6. Warning: cliche’ ahead. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Re: Wm. Shakespeare.
    Also, the Mary Celeste was carrying a cargo of extremely high-proof alcohol, in wooden barrels. Fumes.

  7. Didn't some regular working man, average British citizen pull the sword from the stone and Queen Elizabeth 2nd refused to acknowledge that he was to be crowded as the rightful king of England??

  8. Please tell your writers to not make you say "koi fish" anymore….. Koi means fish in Japanese so you are actually saying "fish fish"…. Thank you. 👍

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