The guy in the first video did not die from the snowmobile accident, but from a separate event years later, either an overdose or car crash. RIP. IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/BUuT9T3A4j1/
The guy in the first video did not die from the snowmobile accident, but from a separate event years later, either an overdose or car crash. RIP. IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/BUuT9T3A4j1/
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1:00 Whoohoo
this is some of the most horrific shit i've seen on the internet. terrorizing.
2:34 One minute you're climbing the hill, the next you're part of the hill.
I'll stick to flying…
to many idiots riding in areas to much for the level of riding they most should be doing
Ive rode dirt bikes all my life and figures these at least wouldnt hurt if you fall in soft snow but these things are sketchy as fuck bro tato chip
I've actually had that first clip happen to me. Not cool.
I hope the guy in the first one is ok ???
The one common factor to each of these videos. . . .the people are fucking morons!!!
The first one and the fifth one they just seem so helpless
Noisy bloody things destroying the PEACE of the mountains!
some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet
2:10 in that situation the thing you do is roll over and try to basically grip your self into the snow under you or if your a wuss like me just scream for help the whole way down
2:30 is fucking scary bro
That first one is terrible
Many of these happened because they didn't wear a simple cord
0:56 ohhhh sh**
Fucking losers who don't wear their kill switches
Omg that first one was horrible at first I thought he lost his arm in the track
The first guy really was lucky he was on a Mountain sled and didn’t have a studded track. If that happened to me with all 100and something 2 inch bolts on my track it would be a much worse experience.
Once I caused 3 avalanches in one day
As a snowmobiler almost all of these things have happened to me
Oh god i cant watch this